Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Postinstallation Guide

Access Manager amconfig Script

The amconfig script reads the silent configuration input file (amsamplesilent or a copy) and then calls other scripts in silent mode, as needed, to perform the requested operation.

To set configuration variables, copy and rename the amsamplesilent file. Then, set the variables in the file for the operation you want to perform.

To run the amconfig script, use this syntax:

amconfig -s input-file


-s runs amconfig in silent mode.

To run amconfig.bat, either double click on the file or execute the file from the command prompt. The amconfig.bat does not accept any command-line parameters like the amconfig script.

The input-file is the silent configuration input file that contains the configuration variables for the operation you want to perform. For more information, see Access Manager amsamplesilent File Configuration Variables.

Several considerations for running the amconfig script are:

Note –

On Windows systems, to configure Access Manager, run amconfig.bat with These files are installed in the javaes-install-dir\identity\setup directory, where javaes-install-dir is the Java ES 5 installation directory. The default value is C:\Program Files\Sun\JavaES5.

To run amconfig.bat, double click on the file or execute the file from the Windows command prompt.

Unsupported Scripts

In the Access Manager 7.1 release, the following scripts are not supported:

Also, by default amserver start starts only the authentication amsecuridd and amunixd helpers. The amsecuridd helper is available only on the Solaris OS SPARC platform.