Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Postinstallation Guide

ProcedureTo Change the Naming Attribute After Installation

  1. In the ums.xml file (used for the DAI service), add the attribute to the list in the CreationTemplate for the BasicUser. For example, to use the mail attribute:

    <SubConfiguration name="CreationTemplates" >
                        <SubConfiguration name="BasicUser" id="CreationUmsObjects">
                            <AttributeValuePair> <Attribute name="name" />
                            <AttributeValuePair> <Attribute name="javaclass" />
                            <AttributeValuePair> <Attribute name="required" />
                            <AttributeValuePair> <Attribute name="optional" />
                            <AttributeValuePair> <Attribute name="namingattribute" />
  2. Delete the DAI service using the amadmin command. For example, on Solaris systems:

    # # cd /opt/SUNWam/bin
    # ./amadmin -u amadmin -w amadminpassword -r DAI
  3. Reload the DAI service, again using the amadmin command. For example:

    # ./amadmin -u amadmin -w amadminpassword
    -s /etc/opt/SUNWam/config/xml/ums.xml
  4. Restart the Access Manager web container.