Sun Java System Portal Server 7.1 Technical Reference

Chapter 55 desktop.tld Tags

This chapter lists the desktop.tld tags and their attributes. All of the normal tags in the desktop.tld file have a bodycontent of empty.

desktop.tld Tags With Attributes

Table 55–1 desktop.tld Tags with Attributes

Tag Name 




Returns the class name of the provider that backs the channel. 

id (optional) 

scope (optional) 


Returns a string buffer with the contents of the provider’s object’s default view. This method is called by the clients of the provider object to request the provider’s default view. This method may return null if the provider does not implement a default view. In this case, the provider should return false from its isPresentable() method. 



Returns a string with the title of the channel. 

id (optional) 

scope (optional) 

silentException (optional) 


Returns a string with the description for the channel. 

id (optional) 

scope (optional) 

silentException (optional) 


Returns a string buffer with the provider’s Edit page. 

id (optional) 

scope (optional) 


Returns the help URL for this provider. The returned help URL can be either fully qualified URL string (http://server:port/portal/docs/en/desktop/usedesk.htm) or a relative path (desktop/usedesk.htm). When it is a relative path, the Desktop software resolves it to the full URL. 

id (optional) 

scope (optional) 

silentException (optional) 


Returns a string with the name of the provider, which must match the name of the provider the channel was initialized with. 

id (optional) 

scope (optional) 


Returns a long with the refresh time for this provider in seconds. 

Use this value to determine if you should fetch a fresh default view for the provider. 

If the return value from this method is X, you may choose not to fetch fresh content (and use a cached copy instead) if less than X seconds has elapsed since the last time the content was refreshed. 

If provider content is expected to change infrequently, this method can return some value so that the provider’s content is not fetched every time the front page is drawn, thereby saving significant processing time. 

id (optional) 

scope (optional) 


Returns an integer with the suggested width for the channel to the container of the channel as to how much screen real estate it requires. The values correspond to thick, thin, full top and full bottom. 

id (optional) 

scope (optional) 

silentException (optional) 


Returns an integer that defines edit type either EDIT_SUBSET or EDIT_COMPLETE. 

id (optional) 

scope (optional) 


Returns a Boolean that gives the editable status of the channel. Returns true if the channel is editable; otherwise false. 

id (optional) 

scope (optional) 


Returns a Boolean that gives the presentable status for a channel. Returns true if the channel is presentable. 

Searches for the key HTML with the value true on the client data for the session’s client type and returns true. 

If there is no such key, the method returns true if the session’s client type is named HTML. 

In both cases, the content-type for the session’s client type must equal text/html in order for the method to return true. 

id (optional) 

scope (optional) 


Performs the provider’s Edit page processing. Processes a form for this provider. This method is called to process form data associated with the provider. Typically, this method is called to process the Edit page generated from the getEdit() method. Usually, the client calling this method on a provider object is the desktop servlet. Form data that is passed into this method in the request has been decoded into Unicode. 

id (optional) 

scope (optional) 


Returns the class name of the container that backs the container. 

id (optional) 

scope (optional) 


Returns a list of selected channel names. The list returned is a Collection of Strings. Each of the Strings is the name of a channel that has been selected. 

id (required) 

scope (optional) 


Returns a list of available channel names. The list returned is a Collection of Strings. Each of the Strings is the name of a channel that is available 

id (required) 

scope (optional) 


Returns the URL of the directory that has the static content (for example, images and style sheet). This utility tag can be used anywhere. 
