Sun Java System Portal Server 7.1 Technical Reference

desktopTheme.tld Normal Tags with Attributes

Table 60–1 desktopTheme.tld Tags with Attributes

Tag Name 




Returns the list of globally defined themes. The list returned is a Collection of Strings. Each of the Strings is the name of a globally defined theme. 

id (required) 

scope (optional) 


Returns the name of the selected theme. The name returned can be the name of one of the globally defined themes or CustomTheme. If CustomTheme is returned, this means the user has defined and is using the custom defined theme. 

id (required) 

scope (optional) 


Sets a theme for the current user. The theme to be set can be one of the globally defined themes or a CustomTheme. 

value (required) - the name of the theme set 


Returns the value of a theme attribute. Get a specific attribute value of a specific theme. 

name (required) - the name of the attribute. Possible values are: bgColor, borderColor, titleBarColor, fontColor, borderWidth and fontFace 

theme (optional) - the name of the theme. If this is not specified, the currently selected theme is used. 

requestOverride (optional) true or false - Whether to use value in the request to override the theme value. If this is not specified, false is assumed. This is useful in the preview case. 

id (optional) 

scope (optional) 

default - the default value. If getAttribute() of a theme returns null, and a default value is defined in the tag, then return the default value. 


Sets a customized value in the CustomTheme 

name (required) - the name of the attribute. Possible values are: bgColor, borderColor, titleBarColor, fontColor, borderWidth and fontFace 

value (required) - the value to be set