Sun Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide

ProcedureHow to Create a Custom Heartbeat Plug-in and Add It to a Custom Heartbeat

  1. Log in to a cluster node.

    You must be assigned the Geo Management RBAC rights profile to complete this procedure. For more information about RBAC, see Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Software and RBAC.

  2. Create the new custom heartbeat.

    # geohb create -r remoteclustername \
    [-p propertysetting [-p...]] heartbeatname
    -r remoteclustername

    Specifies the name of the remote, secondary partner cluster.

    -p propertysetting

    Specifies the default properties of the heartbeat.

    A heartbeat property is assigned a value by a name=statement pair.

    For more information about the properties you can set, see Appendix A, Standard Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Properties.


    Specifies an identifier for the heartbeat settings.

    Caution – Caution –

    The name of the custom heartbeat on each cluster in the same partnership must be different. Choose a name that uniquely identifies the heartbeat, such as paris-to-newyork on the cluster cluster-paris and newyork-to-paris on cluster cluster-newyork.

    For more information about the geohb command, refer to the geohb(1M) man page.

  3. Add the custom heartbeat plug-in to the heartbeat.

    # geohb add-plugin -p propertysetting [-p...] \
    pluginname heartbeatname
    -p propertysetting

    Specifies the properties of the heartbeat plug-in by using a name=statement pair.

    Specify the path to your custom heartbeat plug-in by using the Query_cmd property.

    For more information about the properties you can set, see Appendix A, Standard Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Properties.


    Specifies the name of the custom heartbeat plug-in.


    Specifies an identifier for the heartbeat.

  4. Create the partnership that will use the heartbeat that you created in the previous step.

    # geops create -c remoteclustername -h heartbeatname \
    [-p propertysetting [-p...]] partnershipname
    -c remoteclustername

    Specifies the name of remote cluster that will participate in the partnership.

    This name matches the logical hostname used by the Sun Cluster Geographic Edition infrastructure on the remote cluster.

    -h heartbeatname

    Specifies the custom heartbeat to be used in the partnership to monitor the availability of the partner cluster.

    -p propertysetting

    Sets the value of partnership properties with a string of name=value pair statements.

    For more information about the properties you can set, see Appendix A, Standard Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Properties.


    Specifies the name of the partnership.

    For more information about using geops create command to create a partnership, see How to Create a Partnership.

  5. Verify that your changes were made correctly.

    # geoadm status

Example 6–9 Adding a Custom Heartbeat Plug-in to a New Custom Heartbeat

This example creates the heartbeat paris-to-newyork, which uses a custom heartbeat plug-in, and associates the heartbeat with a new partnership.

# geohb create -r cluster-newyork paris-to-newyork 
# geohb add-plugin -p query_cmd=/usr/bin/hb/ command1 paris-to-newyork
# geops create -c cluster-newyork -h paris-to-newyork paris-newyork-ps
# geoadm status