Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Technical Overview

System Service Components

Java ES system service components provide the infrastructure services needed to support distributed enterprise applications. These services, as described in Why You Need Java ES, include portal services, identity and security services, web and application services, and availability services. Java ES system service components are described in the following sections:

Access Manager 7.1

Sun Java System Access Manager (Access Manager) integrates authentication and authorization services, policy agents, and identity federation to provide a comprehensive solution for protecting network resources. Access Manager prevents unauthorized access to web service applications and web content, providing an infrastructure for organizations to manage the digital identities of customers, employees, and partners who use their web-based services and non-web applications. Because these resources might be distributed across a range of internal and external computing networks, the attributes, policies, and entitlements are defined and applied to each identity to manage access to these technologies.

Access Manager includes the following subcomponents:

Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.2

Sun Java System Application Server (Application Server) provides a J2EE compatible platform for developing and delivering server-side Java applications and web services. Key features include scalable transaction management, container-managed persistence runtime, web services performance, clustering, high availability session state, security, and integration capabilities.

Application Server includes the following subcomponents:

Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0

Sun Java System Directory Server (Directory Server) is an LDAP-based directory server that provides a centralized directory service for your intranet, network, and extranet information. Directory Server integrates with existing systems and acts as a centralized repository for the consolidation of employee, customer, supplier, and partner information. You can extend Directory Server to manage user profiles and preferences and extranet user authentication.

Directory Server includes the following subcomponents:

Java DB 10.1

Java DB provides a lightweight database for Java application development. Java DB is Sun's supported distribution of the open source Apache Derby 100% Java technology database. Java ES 5 is the first release to include Java DB as a product component. Java DB was first released as a shared component named Derby Database and was included Java ES 2005Q4.

Java DB includes the following subcomponents:

Message Queue 3.7 UR 1

Sun Java System Message Queue (Message Queue) is a standards-based solution to the problem of inter-application communication and reliable message delivery. Message Queue is an enterprise messaging system that implements the Java Message Service (JMS) open standard.

In addition to being a JMS provider, Message Queue has features that exceed the minimum requirements of the JMS specification. With Message Queue software, processes running on different platforms and operating systems can connect to a common Message Queue service to send and receive information. Application developers can focus on the business logic of their applications rather than on the low-level details of how their applications communicate across a network.

The Java ES installer provides Message Queue as a single installable component.

Portal Server 7.1

Sun Java System Portal Server (Portal Server) is an identity-enabled portal server solution. Portal Server combines portal services such as personalization, aggregation, security, integration, and search.

The Java ES installer provides Portal Server as a single installable component.

Service Registry 3.1

Sun Java System Service Registry (Service Registry) is a repository that serves as both a web services (UDDI) registry and an enterprise business XML (ebXML) registry for supporting web service-oriented architecture (SOA) applications. The UDDI registry is used to register and discover web services, and the ebXML registry is used to store and manage the information artifacts needed to support business process integration. These artifacts include metadata such as XML schema, business process rules, web service access controls, version controls, classifications schemes, and so forth.

Service Registry includes the following subcomponents:

Web Server 7.0

Sun Java System Web Server (Web Server) is a multiprocess, multithreaded, secure web server built on industry standards. Web Server provides high performance, reliability, scalability, and manageability for medium to large enterprises.

Web Server includes the following subcomponents: