Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Technical Overview

Key Terms in This Chapter

This section explains key technical terms used in this chapter, with an emphasis on clarifying how these terms are used in the Java ES context.


A stage of the Java ES solution life cycle in which a deployment scenario is translated into a deployment design, implemented, prototyped, and rolled out in a production environment. The end product of this process is also referred to as a deployment (or deployed solution).

deployment scenario

A logical architecture for a Java ES solution and the quality of service requirements the solution must satisfy to meet business needs. The quality of service requirements include requirements regarding performance, availability, security, serviceability, and scalability or latent capacity. A deployment scenario is the starting point for deployment design.


A task in the Java ES solution deployment process by which the custom components of a deployment architecture are programmed and tested.


A stage of the Java ES solution life cycle process in which business needs are translated into a deployment scenario: a logical architecture and a set of quality of service requirements that a solution must meet.


A stage of the Java ES solution life cycle process in which distributed applications are started up, monitored, tuned to optimize performance, and dynamically upgraded to include new functionality.

reference deployment architecture

A deployment architecture that has been designed, implemented, and tested for performance. Reference deployment architectures are used as starting points for designing deployment architectures for custom solutions.

use case

A specific end-user task or set of tasks performed by a distributed enterprise application and used as a basis for designing, testing, and measuring the performance of the application.