Sun Java System Portal Server Mobile Access 7.1 Administration Guide

Anonymous Authentication

If you want a user to access your portal site to explore what the experience of an authenticated user is, you can allow users to log in to the mobile Portal Desktop as anonymous users.

This feature presents a snapshot of the mobile and voice Portal Desktop of a user with an authenticated session.

Note –

Anonymous users cannot change, store, or alter the content or configuration of channels with stateful data. If you support anonymous authentication, make sure that these channels are not available to these users.

To implement anonymous authentication, see the Sun JavaTM System Portal Server 7.1 Administration Guide.

The Portal Desktop for anonymous authentication uses the WirelessDesktopDispatcher as well as device-specific containers for both JavaServer Pages™ (JSPTM) software and templates. All channels to be displayed to the anonymous user must be included in these containers, just as they are for authenticated users.

Tip –

To support a new device that may need a client-specific mobile or voice Portal Desktop for an anonymous user, do the following:

  1. Create the appropriate device-specific container.

  2. Alter the WirelessDesktopDispatcher in the anonymous user’s display profile to use the new container for that particular device type.