Sun Java System Portal Server Mobile Access 7.1 Administration Guide

Chapter 2 Managing Mobile Devices

Sun Java System Portal Server Mobile Access 7.1 software uses Sun Java System Access Manager client detection module to identify and manage the various clients, or mobile devices, that portal site users employ to access a portal site.

This chapter provides the following topics:

Understanding Client Detection

Client detection determines the capabilities and characteristics of each mobile device that is used to access the portal site. To do this, it uses the composite capability and preference profiles (CC/PP) specification, UAProf, or preconfigured data.

Mobile Access software requires that three properties be defined for every client. They are:

Mobile Access software also uses conditional properties to store and retrieve specific property values for client types. One example is the desktopContainer conditional property. The wireless desktop dispatcher reads this property to determine what the desktop container is for the requested client type.

Mobile Access software imports client type data from the file /var/opt/SUNWam/config/ldif/sunAMClient_data.ldif into the LDAP directory and uses Access Manager software APIs to identify clientType. Matches are determined in the following order:

ProcedureTo Determine the Matches:

  1. An exact match

  2. A partial match

  3. A keyword match

    You can also dynamically apply UAProf profile against your base profile. Users need to retain FEDIClientDetector and do one of the following:

    • configure your firewall to allow access from Mobile Access system to the public internet or selective handset vendor sites

    • configure the Mobile Access system JVM to use a proxy server to access the public internet or selective handset vendor sites (Please refer to the technical note below)

    • publish the UAProf profiles (RDF files) on an internal web server accessible to the Mobile Access system, e.g. within the DMZ, and configure DNS on the Mobile Access system to use the internal web server instead of the public internet for all UAProf requests.

    Technical Note to configure proxy server to selectively access public internet:

    JVM provides an option to specify proxy server details for external connection from the web container using an external proxy. It also allows you to specify the hosts that should not use the specified proxy. You can configure the Mobile Access system JVM to use a proxy server to access the public Internet.

    Use the following JVM options in the web container:


    Use the following option for bypassing proxy server for certain domains and hosts:


Managing the Client Database

Client data are stored in two locations:

When Mobile Access software is installed, all client data are stored in the internal library. Once you customize a device, an override version of the device is created and stored in the external library. The data in these libraries are merged at server startup time.

The Mobile Access product provides patches to update the internal library on a quarterly basis by adding new client data definitions and updating existing clients when their properties change. This process enables you to update the internal library at periodic intervals. It does not alter the customized data stored in the external library.

The name for this patch is PortalMAClientDeviceUpdateRevnn. The number for this patch is 116412-nn. The value for nn is the patch sequence number. For example, nn is 01 for the first patch and 02 for the second patch.

To Update the Client Database

ProcedureTo Update the Client Database:

  1. Go to

  2. Click the Support & Training link.

  3. Click the Patches link to go to the SunSolve patch database.

  4. Follow the instructions provided.

Using the Client Manager

The Access Manager administration console provides a Client Manager that enables you to manage properties for mobile devices.

This section explains the following types of information that the Client Manager provides about client types:

This section also explains how to create and customize the client type:

Markup Languages

Mobile Access software supports these markup languages used by mobile client browsers:


A Style is a set of properties for an associated group of devices for a markup language. For example, a Nokia Style is applied to all WML devices manufactured by Nokia.

At least one Style exists for each markup language. Some markup languages have multiple styles.

You cannot override Style properties. If you use an existing client as a template for a new devices when you create it, the new client inherits the existing client’s Style properties.

Device Information

Device information is device-specific client type data that you can update.

When you change the device information for a default client type, you create a new and separate version of the default client type. This custom information is stored in the external library, while the default device information remains in the internal library. Two asterisks are added to the client type name of each custom device to differentiate it from devices in the internal library.

Filter Option

The Filter option is a search field that enables you to find and list groups of specific client types assigned to a specific Style.

Client Editor

The Client Editor enables you to create and customize a client type, and to manage client properties.

The Client Editor organizes properties in the following groups:

ProcedureTo Launch the Client Manager

  1. Log in to the Access Manager administration console as the administrator.

    By default, Identity Management is selected in the Header frame (the top horizontal frame) and Organizations is selected in the Navigation frame (the left vertical frame).

  2. Click the Service Configuration tab.

  3. From the Service Configuration frame on the left, under the Access Manager Configuration heading, click the arrow for Client Detection.

    The Client Detection global preferences appear in the Data frame on the right.

  4. Click the Edit link following the Client Types label.

    The Client Manager interface appears. Details about HTML devices are displayed by default.

    For information about managing the client data base, see Managing the Client Database.

ProcedureTo View Style Properties

  1. Log in to the Access Manager administration console as the administrator.

    By default, Identity Management is selected in the Header frame (the top horizontal frame) and Organizations is selected in the Navigation frame (the left vertical frame).

  2. Click the Service Configuration tab.

  3. From the Service Configuration frame on the left, under the Access Manager Configuration heading, click the arrow for Client Detection.

    The Client Detection global preferences appear in the Data frame on the right.

  4. Click the Edit link following the Client Types label.

    The Client Manager interface appears. Details about HTML devices are displayed by default.

  5. From the tabs at the top, click the markup language for the device whose properties you want to examine (for example, WML).

    If client types using the markup language you selected are in the database, they appear in alphabetical order.

  6. From the Style pull-down menu, pick the style that you want (for example, Nokia).

    The list of client types already in the database appears for the selected style.

  7. Click the Current style properties link.

    The Edit style page appears. The Styles for General properties are displayed by default.

  8. From the Properties pull-down menu, click the properties type that you want to view (for example: Software Platform).

    Note –

    Properties type choices include General, Hardware Platform, Software Platform, Network Characteristics, BrowserUA, WapCharacteristics, PushCharacteristicsNames, and Additional Properties.

  9. To return to the Client Manager page, click Cancel.

Managing Client Type Data

You use the Client Manager in the administration console to manage client type data.

You can change client type properties, create new client types to accommodate new devices, set up client types with names and other properties that are customized for your site, and remove custom client types.

If you choose to create a new device based on an existing device, a process called inheriting, you must base the new device on either the styles or the properties of the existing device. Examine your new device and the existing device to decide which option -- styles or properties -- is prefereable. Both choices require you to customize device definitions.

Note –

The client type database consists of internal and external libraries. When you change or add to default client type information in the internal library, your updates are stored in the external library. Two asterisks added to the client type name indicate that it is a customized client type.

This section provides instructions for completing the following tasks:

ProcedureTo Edit Client Types

  1. Log in to the Access Manager administration console as the administrator.

    By default, Identity Management is selected in the Header frame (the top horizontal frame) and Organizations is selected in the Navigation frame (the left vertical frame).

  2. Click the Service Configuration tab.

  3. From the Service Configuration frame on the left, under the Access Manager Configuration heading, click the arrow for Client Detection.

    The Client Detection global preferences appear appear in the Data frame on the right.

  4. Click the Edit link following the Client Types label.

    The Client Manager interface appears. Details about HTML devices are displayed by default.

  5. From the tabs at the top, click the markup language for the device you want to edit (for example, WML).

    If client types using the markup language you selected are in the database, they appear in alphabetical order.

  6. From the Style pull-down menu, pick the Style that you want (for example, Nokia).

    The list of client types already in the database appears for the selected style.

  7. From the Client Type list, scroll down to find the client that you want to edit (for example, Nokia6310i_1.0).

    Tip –

    Clients are listed in alphabetical order.

    To go directly to a specific client type, or to a group of client types, use the Filter option. In the Filter text box, type in the first character or first few characters of the client type you want to view and then click the Filter button. (For example: To find client types that start with the letter S, type in S*.)

    To go to specific pages, scroll to the bottom and use the arrows or the Go option.

  8. Click the Edit link in the Actions column for the client that you want to edit.

    The Edit client-type page is displayed. The General properties are displayed by default.

  9. From the Properties pull-down menu, select the type of properties you want to change (for example, Software Platform).

  10. Change or add values for each property you want to alter.

    Tip –

    To clear your changes and start over, click Reset. To return to the display of client types without making any changes, click Cancel.

  11. Click Save to make these changes.

    Note –

    If you do not click Save, your changes are not made. You must change one property type at a time and save those changes before you change another property type.

    The properties for this device are now changed, and the list of client types for this style appears.

  12. To verify that its properties are changed, find your client type in the Client Type list. Two asterisks added to the client type name indicate that you have customized this client type.

    Note –

    Whenever you change a default client type, a Default link is added to the Actions column. The Default link points to the internal library.

    To remove your changes and reset the client type’s properties to their default values, click this link. A prompt asking whether you want to complete this action is not provided.

ProcedureTo Create a New Device by Inheriting Styles

  1. Log in to the Access Manager administration console as the administrator.

    By default, Identity Management is selected in the Header frame (the top horizontal frame) and Organizations is selected in the Navigation frame (the left vertical frame).

  2. Click the Service Configuration tab.

  3. From the Service Configuration frame on the left, under the Access Manager Configuration heading, click the arrow for Client Detection.

    The Client Detection global preferences appear appear in the Data frame on the right.

  4. Click the Edit link following the Client Types label.

    The Client Manager interface appears. Details about HTML devices are displayed by default.

  5. From the tabs at the top, click the markup language for the device you want to set up (for example, WML).

    If client types using the markup language you selected are in the database, they appear in alphabetical order.

  6. From the Style pull-down menu, pick the Style that you want (for example, Nokia).

    The list of client types already in the database appears for the selected style.

  7. Click the New Device button to display the Create New Device page.

  8. If Style choices are required, click the button for the Style you want to assign (for example, Nokia).

  9. Type in the Device User Agent value.

  10. Click Next.

    The Device User Agent value you provided appears in the Client Type Name and The HTTP user-agent string fields.

  11. If appropriate, change these values.

  12. Click OK to save these properties.

    Your new device is now defined, and the Edit Style page appears. Displayed here are default properties inherited from the parent Style you assigned.

  13. From the Properties pull-down menu, select the properties type that you want to modify (for example: Software Platform).

    Note –

    Properties type choices include General, Hardware Platform, Software Platform, Network Characteristics, BrowserUA, WapCharacteristics, PushCharacteristicsNames, and Additional Properties.

  14. Click Save to save your changes to these values.

    Tip –

    To clear your changes and start over, click Reset. To return to the display of client types without making any changes, click Cancel.

  15. Search the Client Type list to verify that your client type is available. Two asterisks added to the client type name indicate that you have customized this client type.

    Note –

    Whenever you add a new client type, a Delete link is added to the Actions column. The Delete link points to the external library.

    To remove your new client type, click this link. A prompt asking whether you want to complete this action is not provided.

ProcedureTo Create a New Device by Inheriting Properties

  1. Log in to the Access Manager administration console as the administrator.

    By default, Identity Management is selected in the Header frame and Organizations is selected in the Navigation frame.

  2. Click the Service Configuration tab.

  3. From the Service Configuration frame on the left, under the Access Manager Configuration heading, click the arrow for Client Detection.

    The Client Detection global preferences appear in the Data frame on the right.

  4. Click the Edit link following the Client Types label.

    The Client Manager interface appears. Details about HTML devices are displayed by default.

  5. From the tabs at the top, click the markup language for the device you want to copy (for example, WML).

    If client types using the markup language you selected are in the database, they appear in alphabetical order.

  6. From the Style pull-down menu, pick the default Style that you want (for example, Nokia).

    The list of client types already in the database appears for the selected style.

  7. From the Client Type list, scroll down to find the specific client that you want to use as a template for a new client type (for example, Nokia6310i_1.0).

    Tip –

    Clients are listed in alphabetical order.

    To go directly to a specific client type, or to a group of client types, use the Filter option. In the Filter text box, type in the first character or first few characters of the client type you want to view and then click the Filter button. (For example: To find a client type that starts with the letter S, type in S*.)

    To go directly to specific pages, scroll to the bottom and use the arrows or the Go option.

  8. Click the Duplicate link in the Actions column for the client type that you want to use as a template for a new client type.

    The Duplicate Device page is displayed. The Client Type and Device User Agent properties for the device you are copying are displayed, with the prefix Copy_of_ added to its name. (For example, Copy_of_Nokia6310i_1.0)

  9. If appropriate, type in new names for these properties.

  10. Click Duplicate to make these changes.

    The Edit client-type page is displayed. The General properties are displayed by default. The values for all properties views available here are inherited from the client type that you used as the master for this new client type.

    Tip –

    To return to the display of client types without making any changes, click Cancel.

  11. From the Properties pull-down menu, select which type of properties you want to change (for example, Software Platform).

  12. Change or add values for each property you want to alter.

    Tip –

    To clear your values and start over, click Reset. To return to the display of client types without making any changes, click Cancel.

  13. Click Save to make these changes.

    Note –

    If you do not click Save, your changes are not made. You must change one property type at a time and save those changes before you change another property type.

    The properties for this device are now changed, and the list of client types for this style appears.

  14. Search the Client Type list to verify that your client type duplicate is available. Two asterisks added to the client type name indicate that you have customized this client type. (For example, Copy_of_Nokia6310i_1.0 **)

    Note –

    Whenever you add a new client type, a Delete link is added to the Actions column. The Delete link points to the external library.

    To remove your new client type, click this link. A prompt asking whether you want to complete this action is not provided.

ProcedureTo Remove a Custom Device

Tip –

If you set up a custom device incorrectly and do not want to modify it, you can use these steps to remove it entirely.

  1. Log in to the Access Manager administration console as the administrator.

    By default, Identity Management is selected in the Header frame (the top horizontal frame) and Organizations is selected in the Navigation frame (the left vertical frame).

  2. Click the Service Configuration tab.

  3. From the Service Configuration frame on the left, under the Access Manager Configuration heading, click the arrow for Client Detection.

    The Client Detection global preferences appear in the Data frame on the right.

  4. Click the Edit link following the Client Types label.

    The Client Manager interface appears. Details about HTML devices are displayed by default.

  5. From the tabs at the top, click the markup language for the device you want to delete (for example, WML).

    If client types using the markup language you selected are in the database, they appear in alphabetical order.

  6. From the Style pull-down menu, pick the Style that you want (for example, Nokia).

    The list of client types already in the database appears for the selected style.

  7. From the Client Type list, scroll down to find the customized client that you want to remove (for example, Copy_of_Nokia6310i_1.0).

    Tip –

    Clients are listed in alphabetical order.

    To go directly to a specific client type, or to a group of client types, use the Filter option. In the Filter text box, type in the first character or first few characters of the client type you want to view and then click the Filter button. (For example: To find a client type that starts with the letter S, type in S*.)

    To go directly to specific pages, scroll to the bottom and use the arrows or the Go option.

  8. In the Actions column for the customized client that you want to remove, click the Delete link.

    The revised list of client types for this style is displayed.

  9. Search the Client Type list to verify that your client type is no longer available.

ProcedureTo Identify Selected Client Types for a Portal User From the Portal Server Console

  1. Log in to Portal Server administration console as the administrator.

    By default, the Common Tasks tab is selected and the Common Administrative Tasks page is displayed.

  2. Click the Portals tab.

    The Portals page is displayed. The available portals are displayed in the Portals table.

  3. Click on the name of the portal, which you want to manage.

    The Desktop Tasks and Attributes page is displayed. This page lists the Portal Server desktop tasks and attributes that you can edit.

  4. From the Select DN options, choose the username (User) DN.

    If the username (User) DN option is not available, you need to add this DN to the Select DN list. Follow the steps to add the username (User) DN.

    1. Click the Add DNs button.

      The Add to DNs list window appears.

    2. From the Search for options, choose the User option.

    3. Type the user name in the text box after the User option.

    4. Click Search.

      If the user name is available, it will be displayed in the Found table.

    5. Select the checkbox preceding to the user name you want to add and click Add

      The username (User) DN is added to the Select DN options.

  5. From the list of Tasks, click the Manage Containers & Channels.

    The Manage Containers & Channels: Portal name page is displayed. The left frame in this page displays the available View Types and the right frame displays the properties of the selected View Type.

  6. From the View Type options, choose the WirelessDesktopDispatcher option.

    The WirelessDesktopDispatcher Tasks and Properties are displayed in the right frame.

  7. In the Properties table, select the checkbox preceding to the selectedClients property.

  8. Click the Table Preferences button.

    The Table Preferences box appears at the top of the Properties table.

  9. In the Client Type and Locale fields, type the appropriate client type and locale information.

  10. Click OK.

  11. Click Save.

    The client type is added in the Value column.