Sun Java System Portal Server Mobile Access 7.1 Administration Guide

Using Access Manager Attributes

Within the Access Manager level, you can view and change default application preferences for any organization or user.

Preferences stored here are copies of the dynamic preferences stored at the Service Configuration level. For the mobile mail application, an organizational preference is stored here also.

ProcedureTo Edit Identity Management Users Attributes From the Portal Server Console

  1. Log in to Portal Server administration console as the administrator.

    By default, the Common Tasks tab is selected and the Common Administrative Tasks page is displayed.

  2. Click the Portals tab.

    The Portals page is displayed. The available portals are displayed in the Portals table.

  3. Click on the name of the portal, which you want to manage.

    The Desktop Tasks and Attributes page is displayed. This page lists the Portal Server desktop tasks and attributes that you can edit.

  4. From the Select DN options, choose the username (User) DN.

    If the username (User) DN option is not available, you need to add this DN to the Select DN list. Follow the steps to add the username (User) DN.

    1. Click the Add DNs button.

      The Add to DNs list window appears.

    2. From the Search for options, choose the User option.

    3. Type the user name in the text box after the User option.

    4. Click Search.

      If the user name is available, it will be displayed in the Found table.

    5. Select the checkbox preceding to the user name you want to add and click Add

      The username (User) DN is added to the Select DN options.

  5. From the list of Tasks, click the Manage Containers & Channels.

    The Manage Containers & Channels: Portal name page is displayed. The left frame in this page displays the available View Types and the right frame displays the properties of the selected View Type.

  6. From the View Type options, choose the view type for which you want to edit the properties.

    The Tasks and Properties for the selected view type are displayed in the right frame.

  7. In the Properties table, select the checkbox preceding to a property, which you want to edit.

  8. Click the Table Preferences button.

    The Table Preferences box appears at the top of the Properties table.

  9. In the Client Type and Locale fields, type the appropriate client type and locale information.

  10. Click OK.

  11. Click Save.

    The client type is added in the Value column.