Sun Java System Reference Configuration Series: Portal Service on Application Server Cluster

How to Use This Guide

This guide is the first of a number of portal service reference configuration guides. Each guide documents a different reference configuration architecture. The following table summarizes the steps you take, using this guide, to adopt and implement the Portal Service on Application Server Cluster reference configuration.

Table 1–1 Development and Deployment Cycle of the Reference Configuration


Covered In 

1. Determine if the reference configuration (or one of its deployment options) meets your organization's needs.

Business and Technical Requirements discusses the requirements that the Portal Service on Application Server Cluster reference configuration is designed to meet.Deployment Options for the Reference Configuration presents deployment options that might better meet your needs.

2. Understand the reference configuration deployment architecture.

Chapter 2, The Reference Configuration Deployment Architecture describes the Portal Service on Application Server Cluster architecture.

3. Modify the detailed deployment specifications.

Deployment specifications contain the low-level, detailed information needed to deploy the reference configuration in your environment. You need to modify the deployment specifications that appear in this guide by substituting the values you will be using in your own environment. 

Chapter 3, “Deployment Specifications,” describes how to develop the actual values that you use in the implementation procedures.

4. Implement the deployment architecture.

Four chapters in this guide describe the installation and configuration procedures for the four implementation modules of the Portal Service on Application Server Cluster architecture. 

The intent of this guide is to describe the portal service on Application Server Cluster reference configuration in such a way that you can re-create the architecture in your own environment. With very little adaptation, the information presented in this guide can be used to help you deploy your own portal service solution.