Sun Java System Reference Configuration Series: Portal Service on Application Server Cluster

ProcedureTo Install Portal Server on ps2

To properly set up Portal Server on ps2, Access Manager SDK must be configured manually. As a result, Access Manager SDK is installed with Portal Server on ps2 using the Configure Later option of the installer rather than being installed with Application Server using the Configure Now option (as it was on ps1).

  1. Repeat the procedure that appears in To Install Portal Server on ps1, except for the following:

    In the Choose Software Components panel (Step 5), select the following components:

    • Portal Server 7.1

      • Netlet Proxy

      • Rewriter Proxy

    • Portal Server Secure Remote Access 7.1

    • Access Manager 7.1

      • Access Manager SDK

    • Service Registry 3.1

      • Service Registry Client Support

    Unselect Directory Server, which is automatically selected by the installer.