Sun Java System Reference Configuration Series: Portal Service on Application Server Cluster

Administrator Account Specification

When deploying the portal service reference configuration, you install and configure a number of components with administrative interfaces, as well as administrator accounts for accessing these interfaces. Some of these administrator accounts are used by multiple components.

In many environments, different administrator accounts are used to manage different services. However, if there are no specific reasons to use different passwords for the different administrator accounts, you can streamline the installation, configuration, and maintenance of your deployment by using the same password for all such accounts.

Note –

It is important to determine, in advance, the administrative account IDs and passwords that you will use when deploying the reference configuration.

The following table shows the administrator account IDs that are needed to deploy the reference configuration, the variables that are used in this guide to represent the corresponding passwords, and the interfaces that are managed by each of the administrator accounts.

Table 3–6 Administrator Accounts in Reference Configuration

Account ID 

Password Variable 




Directory Server dsconf command

Directory Service Control Center (DSCC) 

cn=Directory Manager


Accessing directory data 

ldapmodify and ldapsearch commands



Access Manager amadmin command

Portal Server psadmin command

Access Manager Console 

Portal Server Console 



Access Manager's Directory Server account 



Application Server asadmin command

Application Server Admin Console 



Application Server cluster features 



Message Queue imqcmd command

When you use command-line interfaces in the implementation procedures in this guide, you can provide the administrator account password in any of the following ways:

When implementing the reference configuration, you are free to choose whichever approach you wish. For consistency, however, the last approach is used in all the implementation procedures in this guide.