Sun Java System Reference Configuration Series: Portal Service on Application Server Cluster

ProcedureTo take a snapshot of the directory on ds1

In this procedure you use the db2ldif command to export the directory to an ldif file. If you want to subsequently restore the directory, use an equivalent procedure with the ldif2db command.

  1. On ds1 change directory as follows:

    # cd /var/opt/SunWdsee/ds-inst-ds1

  2. Stop the Directory Server instance.

    # ./stop-slapd

  3. Export the current state of the pstest directory to an ldif file.

    # ./db2ldif -n pstest

    The output should resemble the following:

    ldiffile: /var/opt/SunWdsee/ds-inst-ds1/ldif/2008_05_20_140750.ldif
    [20/May/2008:14:07:56 +0100] - export pstest: Precessed 1000 entries (26%)
    [20/May/2008:14:08:02 +0100] - export pstest: Precessed 4165 entries (100%)
  4. Rename the ldif file to something meaningful.

    # mv /var/opt/SunWdsee/ds-inst-ds1/ldif/2008_05_20_140750.ldif /var/opt/SunWdsee/ds-inst-ds1/ldif/ds_module_complete.ldif

  5. Restart the Directory Server instance.

    # ./start-slapd