Deployment Example 1: Access Manager 7.1 Load Balancing, Distributed Authentication UI, and Session Failover

ProcedureTo Deploy the J2EE Policy Agent 1 Application

The agent application is a housekeeping application bundled with the agent binaries and used by the agent for notifications and other internal functionality. In order for the agent to function correctly, this application must be deployed on the agent-protected deployment container instance using the same URI that was supplied during the agent installation process. For example, during the installation process, if you entered /agentapp as the deployment URI for the agent application, use that same context path in the deployment container.

  1. Access from a web browser.

  2. Log in to the WebLogic Server console as the administrator.





  3. Under Domain Structure, click Deployments.

  4. On the Summary of Deployments page, in the Change Center, click Lock & Edit.

  5. Under Deployments, click Install.

  6. On the Install Application Assistant page, click the link.

  7. In the field named Location:, click the root directory.

  8. Navigate to /export/J2EEPA1/j2ee_agents/am_wl92_agent/etc, the application directory.

  9. Select agentapp.war and click Next.

  10. In the Install Application Assistant page, choose Install this deployment as an application and click Next.

  11. In the list of Servers, mark the checkbox for ApplicationServer-1 and click Next.

  12. In the Optional Settings page, click Next.

  13. Click Finish.

  14. On the Settings for agentapp page, click Save.

  15. In the Change Center, click Activate Changes.