Deployment Example 1: Access Manager 7.1 Load Balancing, Distributed Authentication UI, and Session Failover

ProcedureTo Create a Base Suffix for the User Data Instance on Directory Server 1

After creating the user data instance, you create a base suffix in which the entries will be stored.

Before You Begin

This procedure assumes you have just completed To Create a User Data Instance for Directory Server 1.

  1. As a root user on the DirectoryServer–1 host machine, run dsconf create-suffix to create a base suffix.

    # ./dsconf create-suffix -p 1489 -B dbExample 
      -L /var/opt/mps/am-users/db/exampleDS dc=company,dc=com
  2. Provide information when prompted.

    Certificate "CN=DirectoryServer-1, CN=1736, CN=directory Server, O=Sun Microsystems" 
    presented by the server is not trusted.
    Type "Y" to accept, "y" to accept just one, "n" to refuese, "d" for more details: Y
    Enter "cn=Directory Manager" password: d1rm4n4ger

    Note –

    When you enter an uppercase Y, you are not asked for the certificate again in the next steps.

  3. Run dsconf list-suffixes to verify that the base suffix was successfully created.

    # ./dsconf list-suffixes -p 1489
    Enter "cn=Directory Manager" password: d1rm4n4ger

    If the base suffix was successfully created, dc=company, dc=com is returned. You can also see am-users in the list of directory instances:

    # cd /var/opt/mps
    # ls
    am-config		am-users		serverroot
  4. Log out of the DirectoryServer–1 host machine.