Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.2 Reference
 RA, See Registration Authority
 read-only monitoring configuration attributes
  backendMonitorDN ( Index Term Link )
  bytesSent ( Index Term Link )
  cache-avail-bytes ( Index Term Link )
  connection ( Index Term Link )
  connectionPeak ( Index Term Link )
  currentconnections ( Index Term Link )
  currenttime ( Index Term Link )
  disk-dir ( Index Term Link )
  disk-free ( Index Term Link )
  disk-state ( Index Term Link )
  dtablesize ( Index Term Link )
  entriessent ( Index Term Link )
  nbackends ( Index Term Link )
  opscompleted ( Index Term Link )
  opsinitiated ( Index Term Link )
  readWaiters ( Index Term Link )
  startTime ( Index Term Link )
  threads ( Index Term Link )
  totalConnections ( Index Term Link )
  version ( Index Term Link )
 read-only monitoring configuration entries, cn=monitor ( Index Term Link )
 read transformation ( Index Term Link )
 readWaiters attribute ( Index Term Link )
 Registration Authority, defined ( Index Term Link )
  and access control ( Index Term Link )
  of ACIs ( Index Term Link )
 request filtering policy ( Index Term Link )
 request-que-backlog ( Index Term Link )
 resource limits policy ( Index Term Link )
 roledn keyword ( Index Term Link )
  access to directory ( Index Term Link )
  limitations ( Index Term Link )
 root DSE ( Index Term Link )