Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.2 Reference


The cn=RSAP entry for an LDAP remote SAP can have one of the following monitoring DNs:

cn=LDAP  servername, cn=RSAP, cn=instanceId, cn=Instance, 
  cn=OperatingSystem, cn=Product, cn=monitor

cn=LDAPS  servername, cn=RSAP, cn=instanceId, cn=Instance, 
  cn=OperatingSystem, cn=Product, cn=monitor

Entries below cn=RSAP can contain the following groups of attributes:

  • name identifies the SAP name, either LDAP or LDAPS.

  • isSecure identifies whether LDAPS is used. If the value is TRUE, LDAPS is used.

  • host identifies the hostname of the host server.

  • port identifies the port number to access this instance of Directory Proxy Server.

  • operationalStatus identifies the status of the element, with the following values: 2, 4, 12, and 13. For information about these values, see Table 24–2.

  • statusDescription provides the detailed description of the status.

  • started identifies if RSAP is started.

  • readOnly identifies if it is in read only mode.

  • totalConnections identifies the total number of connections including the established connections.

  • totalAvailableConnections identifies the total number of available connections for bind, read and write operations. The value 0 means that access to that data source is congested.

  • The following attributes are given for bind operations but also exist for read operations and write operations:

    • totalBindConnections identifies the number of established connections for bind operations. All of the connections are kept in a pool of bind connections.

    • availableBindConnections identifies the number of free bind connections in the pool.

    • bindConnectionsRequested identifies the number of requests to get a free bind connection from the pool.

    • bindConnectionsProvided identifies the number of bind connections provided upon request.

    • bindConnectionsRefused identifies the number of requests being refused because the pool is empty (even after a wait) or because the remote data source is down.

    • bindConnectionsWaitsRequired identifies the number of requests being blocked in a wait state, waiting for a bind connection to be freed.

    • bindConnectionsReturnedValid identifies the number of connections being released.

    • bindConnectionsReturnedInvalid identifies the number of connections being released as invalid. A connection is said to be invalid when errors have occurred.