NAME | Synopsis | Description | SYNTAX | Usage | Attributes
( 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.104 NAME 'passwordWarning' DESC 'Sun ONE defined password policy attribute type' SYNTAX X-DS-USE 'internal' X-ORIGIN 'Sun ONE Directory Server' )
Specifies the number of seconds before a user password expires that the user will receive a password expiration warning on attempting to authenticate to the directory.
The server does not send a warning directly to the end user. Instead, the server returns the warning to the client application.
End users do not automatically receive email or other notification as a result of the passwordWarning attribute being set to on. Make sure the warning received by the client application is appropriately delivered to the end user.
The valid range for this attribute is 1 to the maximum 32-bit integer value (2147483647) in seconds, with the default value set at 86400 seconds, meaning 1 day.
Directory String, multi-valued.
Attribute specific to this Directory Server instance and version of the schema.
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:
Availability |
SUNWldap-directory |
Stability Level |
Obsolete: Scheduled for removal after this release |
NAME | Synopsis | Description | SYNTAX | Usage | Attributes