Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Update 1 Upgrade Guide for Microsoft Windows

Chapter 5 Web Server

This chapter describes how to upgrade Web Server from Java ES 5 (Release 5) to Java ES 5 Update 1 (Release 5U1): Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 1.

The chapter provides a general overview of upgrade issues and procedures for the different upgrade paths supported by Release 5U1. This chapter covers the following sections:

Note –

File locations in this chapter are specified with respect to a directory path referred to as WebServer-base. At least part of this path might have been specified as an installation directory when Web Server was initially installed. If not, the Java ES installer assigned a default value.

The default values of these directory paths are:




C:\Program Files\Sun\JavaES5\webserver7


C:\Program Files\Sun\JavaES5\webserver7

Overview of Web Server Upgrades

The following sections describe general aspects of Web Server that impact upgrading to Release 5U1:

About Release 5U1 Web Server

Release 5U1 Web Server is a maintenance release that fixes bugs in Release 5 Web Server. Release 5 Web Server was a feature release with respect to Release 4. It has a number of new features and interface enhancements.

Release 5 Web Server introduced a new administrative infrastructure with new administrative tools. The administrative infrastructure includes an Administration Server instance which hosts configuration information for any number of Web Server instances. A new command line interface (wadm) and a new graphical user interface are used to create Web Server instances, either locally or on remote computers, and to configure and manage these instances. The new administrative tools require an administrator user name and password.

For more information about the new administrative infrastructure introduced in Release 5 Web Server, see Web Server 7.0 Administrator's Guide.

These changes in the Web Server administrative interface have a significant impact on upgrade.

Web Server Upgrade Roadmap

The following table shows the supported Web Server upgrade paths to Release 5U1.

Table 5–1 Upgrade Paths to Java ES 5 Update 1 Web Server 7.0

Java ES Release  

Web Server Release  

General Approach 

Reconfiguration Required  

Release 5 

Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 

Maintenance upgrade. Apply patches. 


Release 4 


Direct upgrade of Web Server from Release 4 to Release 5U1 is not supported. This upgrade path is supported by first upgrading Release 4 Web Server to Release 5 Web Server and then upgrading Release 5 to Release 5U1. The information about upgrading Release 4 to Release 5 is documented in Sun Java ES 5 Upgrade Guide for Microsoft Windows.


Web Server Data

The following table shows the type of Web Server data.

Table 5–2 Web Server Data Usage

Type of Data 



Configuration data 

Web Server 6.x (Java ES 4): 


Web Server 7.0 (Java ES Release 5 and 5U1): 


Central Configuration Store. This is not a public interface that is managed by the admin-server instance.

Configuration of Web Server instance 

Web Server Compatibility Issues

The new administrative interfaces introduced in Release 5 Web Server are not backwardly compatible with earlier administrative interfaces. This impacts the upgrade and redeployment of web applications (including, for example, Java ES components).

Caution – Caution –

Web Server 7.0 Update 1 has compatibility issues with Portal Server. On a Java ES 5 setup that has Portal Server on Web Server, upgrading Web Server to Java ES 5 Update 1 level renders Portal Server as unusable. Release 5U1 Web Server uses JSF 1.2. But JSF-Portlet bridge in Release 5 Portal Server does not support JSF 1.2. So Portal Server will not work. Do not upgrade Web Server to Release 5U1 in case you want to continue using Release 5 Portal Server.

If you have deployed Web Server 7.0 and Portal Server on Windows, contact Sun Support for more information on how to upgrade to Web Server 7.0 Update 1.

In particular, Release 5 and Release 5U1 Web Server use defaults for instance directories and virtual server names different from earlier releases, as shown in the following table.

Table 5–3 Web Server Instance Directories and Virtual Server Names


Java ES 4 Web Server 6.x Default

Java ES 5 Web Server 7.0 Default 

Configuration name  



Instance directory path 



Virtual server name 



Web Server Dependencies

Web Server has dependencies on the following Java ES components:

Upgrading Web Server from Java ES 5

This section includes information about upgrading Web Server from Java ES 5 to Java ES 5 Update 1. The section covers the following topics:


When upgrading Release 5 Web Server to Release 5U1, consider the following aspects of the upgrade process:

Release 5 Web Server Upgrade

This section describes how to perform an upgrade of Web Server from Java ES 5 to Java ES 5 Update 1. This section covers the following topics:

Pre-Upgrade Tasks

Before you upgrade Web Server, perform the tasks described below.

Verify Current Version Information

Verify the current version of Web Server before you upgrade.

ProcedureTo Verify Current Version Information

  1. Examine the subcomponent error log at:



    The Web Server version information is as follows.

    Release 5U1

    Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 U1

    Release 5

    Sun Java System Web Server 7.0

Upgrade Web Server Dependencies

It is generally recommended that all Java ES components on a computer system (and in a computing environment) be upgraded to Release 5U1. Release 5U1 Web Server has no hard upgrade dependencies, but upgrade is only certified when shared components have also been upgraded. The upgrade from Release 5 to Release 5U1 requires that Windows Installer patch (126910–02) is already applied.

Backing Up Web Server Data

The Web Server upgrade from Release 5 to Release 5U1 does not modify the Release 5 configuration data. You do not need to back up current data.

Upgrading Release 5 Web Server

This section discusses considerations that impact the upgrade procedure for Web Server, followed by a description of the procedure itself.

Upgrade Considerations

The upgrade of Web Server software to Java ES Release 5U1 takes into account the following considerations:

Table 5–4 Patches to Upgrade Web Server on Windows


Patch ID [Patch revision numbers are the minimum required for upgrade to Release 5U1. If newer revisions become available, use the newer ones instead of those shown in the table.]

Web Server core 


Web Server localization 

The localized patch files are delivered within the core patch. 

Upgrade Procedure

The procedure documented below applies to Web Server instances residing locally on the computer where the upgrade is taking place.

ProcedureTo Upgrade Web Server to Java ES 5 Update 1

  1. Log in as administrator.

  2. Shut down the Release 5 Web Server instances and the administration server.

    1. Choose Start > Sun Java Enterprise System 5 > Web Server 7.0 > Administration Console.

      The Web Server 7.0 Administration Server Login page appears.

    2. Type the User Name and Password, then click OK.

      The Web Server 7.0 Administration Server page appears.

    3. Select a Server from the drop down list, and click Manage.

      The Server Manager page appears.

    4. Click Server Off.

      Using the Command-Line Interface:

      • Change to WebServer-base\admin-server\bin.

      • Run the stopserv.bat command to stop the Web Server processes.

        The Web Server stops and a confirmation dialog box appears.

    5. To stop the Web Server instance, change to WebServer-base\https-hostName.domainName\bin.

    6. Run the stopserv.bat command.

  3. Make sure you have upgraded any Java ES components upon which Web Server has hard upgrade dependencies (see Upgrade Web Server Dependencies.

  4. Obtain the required Web Server Release 5U1 upgrade patches, based on Table 5–4.

    To obtain the patch, see Accessing Java ES Patches. Patches can be downloaded to \workingDirectory.

  5. Install the patch.

    Installation is generally performed by running patch-id.exe, however, be sure to consult the README.patch-id file in the patch directory for installation instructions.

    Note –

    If you are prompted to restart the system, select No. Wait till the patch installation process is completed and then restart and re-login as the same user to complete the patch installation.

  6. Verify the patch log file.

    The log file is found at: %TEMP%\SUNJAVAES_<patch-id>.log

  7. Verify the patch installation with the utility ListJavaESPatches.exe.

    Run ListJavaESPatches.exe and check that the output includes the patch id of the patch that you have installed in Step 5. For more information, see Identifying Installed Java ES Patches.

  8. Start the Release 5U1 Web Server instances and the administration server.



Verifying the Upgrade

You can verify successful upgrade of Web Server by examining the subcomponent error logs at:



The messages that indicate the Java ES release version are:

Release 5U1

Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 U1 (Build Date Time)

Release 5

Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 (Build Date Time)

Post-Upgrade Tasks

There are no post-upgrade tasks beyond the steps described in Upgrade Considerations.

Rolling Back the Upgrade

  1. Log in as administrator.

  2. Shut down the Web Server instances and the administration server.

  3. Double-click Uninstall_patch-id.bat to uninstall the patch.

  4. Restart the administration server and the Web Server instances that were shut down in step 2.