Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Update 1 Upgrade Guide for Microsoft Windows

Pre-Upgrade Tasks

Before you upgrade Application Server, perform the tasks described below.

Verify Current Version Information

Verify the current version of Application Server before you upgrade.

ProcedureTo Verify Current Version Information

  1. Type the following command:

    WebServer-base\asadmin version --verbose

    This command returns the Application Server version information.

    Release 5U1

    Sun Java Enterprise System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.2

    Release 5

    Sun Java Enterprise System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.2

Upgrade Application Server Dependencies

It is generally recommended that all Java ES components on a computer system (and in a computing environment) be upgraded to Release 5U1. Release 5U1 Application Server has hard upgrade dependencies on Message Queue and on the NSS shared component, so these should be upgraded before upgrading Application Server. Upgrading Application Server to Release 5U1 requires that Windows Installer patch (126910–02) is already applied.

Backing Up Application Server Data

The Application Server upgrade from Release 5 to Release 5U1 does not modify the Release 5 configuration data. You do not need to back up current data.