Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Update 1 Upgrade Guide for Microsoft Windows

ProcedureTo Upgrade Common Agent Container (CAC)

  1. Log in as administrator.

  2. Obtain the latest upgrade patches for the shared component, as shown in Table 2–1. Patches can be downloaded to \workingDirectory

    See Accessing Java ES Patches.

  3. Stop any component that is using CAC services.

    For example,

    Stop Monitoring Console by stopping SJWC.

    JavaES5InstallDir\share\webconsole\bin\smcwebserver.bat stop

  4. Shut down CAC and prepare it for upgrade.

    JavaES5InstallDir\share\cacao_2\bin\cacaoadm.bat prepare-uninstall

  5. Make sure you have upgraded any hard upgrade dependencies.

    CAC patch requires that Windows Installer patch (126910–02) is already applied.

    The following software dependencies are required to be present in the host before starting the container: JDK (1.4.2_03 or higher), JDMK 5.1.

    NSS 3.11 is the optional dependency, required for using the command stream feature.

    Note –

    JDK, JDMK, and NSS are not hard dependencies. The minimal versions specified here are sufficient for upgrading CAC to 2.1.

  6. Install the patch.

    Installation is generally performed by running patch-id.exe, however, be sure to consult the README.patch-id file in the patch directory for installation instructions.

    Note –

    If you are prompted to restart the system, select No. Wait till the patch installation process is completed and then restart and re-login as the same user to complete the patch installation.

  7. Verify the patch installation with the utility ListJavaESPatches.exe.

    Run ListJavaESPatches.exe and check that the output includes the patch id of the patch that you have installed in Step 6. For more information, see Identifying Installed Java ES Patches.

  8. Post-configure the CAC by running the following two commands:


    JavaES5InstallDir\share\cacao_2\bin\cacaoadm.bat rebuild-dependencies

    Be sure to consult the README.patch-id file for additional patch installation instructions.

    Note –

    The CAC dependencies are JDK, JDMK, and NSS. The location of Java is automatically retrieved from the registry.

    The location of JDMK is set to default installation value. To modify it, execute the following command:

    JavaES5InstallDir\share\cacao_2\bin\cacaoadm set-param jdmk-home=path to-jdmk-home

    The location of NSS is unknown as it is delivered as an optional zip file. If you require the command stream feature of the CAC, then NSS is required. You can provide the paths to the NSS tools and libraries by executing the following commands:

    JavaES5InstallDir\share\cacao_2\bin\cacaoadm set-param nss-lib-home=path-to-nss-lib-home

    JavaES5InstallDir\share\cacao_2\bin\cacaoadm set-param nss-tools-home=path-to-nss-tools-home

  9. Start CAC.

    JavaES5InstallDir\share\cacao_2\cacaoadm.bat start

  10. Check that all the CAC agents are loaded correctly.

    JavaES5InstallDir\share\cacao_2\cacaoadm.bat list-modules

    List of modules registered:

    com.sun.cacao.agent_logging 1.0

    com.sun.cacao.command_stream_adaptor 1.0

    com.sun.cacao.efd 2.0

    com.sun.cacao.instrum 1.0

    com.sun.cacao.invoker 1.0

    com.sun.cacao.mib2simple 1.0

    com.sun.cacao.rmi 1.0

    com.sun.cacao.snmpv3_adaptor 1.0

    com.sun.cacao.webserver 2.1 1.0 1.0

    com.sun.cmm.ds 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

    com.sun.mfwk 2.0

    com.sun.portal.admin.server.module 1.1

  11. Start components using CAC.

    Check the CAC version.

    JavaES5InstallDir\share\cacao_2\cacaoadm.bat –version

    The messages that indicate the CAC release versions are:

    Release 5U1


    Release 5

    2.0, REV=13