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Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Update 1 Upgrade Guide for UNIX 

List of Tables

Table 1   Typographic Conventions       
Table 2   Symbol Conventions       
Table 3   Shell Prompts       
Table 4   Java Enterprise System Documentation       
Table 1-1   Java ES 5 Update 1 Product Components       
Table 1-2   Java ES 5 Update 1 Shared Components       
Table 1-3   Characteristics of Java ES Release Types       
Table 1-4   Upgrade Paths to Java ES 5 Update 1 (Release 5U1)       
Table 1-5   Selective Upgrade Compared to Upgrade All       
Table 1-6   Java ES/Operating System Support Matrix       
Table 1-7   Dual Upgrade Support for Java ES 5 Update 1 Product Components        
Table 1-8   Phases in the Upgrade Process       
Table 1-9   Java ES Product Component Feature Upgrade Approaches       
Table 1-10   Shared Component Dependencies of Java ES 5 Update 1 (Release 5U1) Product Components       
Table 1-11   Java ES Product Component Dependencies       
Table 1-12   Patches Needed When Application Server Is Not Upgraded to Release 5U1       
Table 2-1   Patches to Upgrade Shared Components to Release 5U1       
Table 2-2   Symbolic Link to Java SE by Platform       
Table 2-3   Java SE Version Verification Outputs       
Table 2-4   Common Agent Container Directory Paths       
Table 3-1   Upgrade Paths to Java ES 5 Update 1 (Release 5U1): Sun Cluster 3.1 8/05 Software       
Table 3-2   Sun Cluster Data Usage       
Table 3-3   Sun Cluster Version Verification Outputs       
Table 4-1   Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Directory Paths       
Table 4-2   Upgrade Paths to Java ES 5 Update 1 (Release 5U1): Sun Cluster Geographic Edition 3.1 2006Q4       
Table 4-3   Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Data Usage       
Table 4-4   Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Version Verification Outputs       
Table 5-1   Directory Server Directory Paths       
Table 5-2   Upgrade Paths to Java ES 5 Update 1 (Release 5U1): Directory Server 6.2       
Table 5-3   Directory Server Data Usage       
Table 5-4   Directory Server Version Verification Outputs       
Table 5-5   Patches to Upgrade Directory Server on Solaris       
Table 5-6   Patches to Upgrade Directory Server on Linux       
Table 6-1   Directory Proxy Server Directory Paths       
Table 6-2   Upgrade Paths to Java ES 5 Update 1 (Release 5U1): Directory Proxy Server 6.2       
Table 6-3   Directory Proxy Server Data Usage       
Table 6-4   Directory Proxy Server Version Verification Outputs       
Table 6-5   Patches to Upgrade Directory Proxy Server on Solaris       
Table 6-6   Patches to Upgrade Directory Proxy Server on Linux       
Table 7-1   Web Server Directory Paths       
Table 7-2   Upgrade Paths to Java ES 5 Update 1 (Release 5U1): Web Server 7.0 Update 1       
Table 7-3   Web Server Data Usage       
Table 7-4   Web Server Default Names       
Table 7-5   Web Server Version Verification Outputs       
Table 7-6   Patches to Upgrade Web Server on Solaris       
Table 7-7   Patches to Upgrade Web Server on Linux       
Table 7-8 Values       
Table 7-9   wadm Common Command Options       
Table 7-10   wadm migrate-server Command Options and Operands       
Table 7-11   wadm create-instance Command Options and Operands       
Table 7-12   wadm set-virtual-server-prop Command Options and Operands       
Table 7-13   wadm deploy-config Command Options and Operands       
Table 7-14   wadm set-search-collection-prop Command Options and Operands       
Table 8-1   Java DB Directory Paths       
Table 8-2   Upgrade Paths to Java ES 5 Update 1 (Release 5U1): Java DB 10.2.2       
Table 8-3   Java DB Data Usage       
Table 8-4   Java DB Version Verification Outputs       
Table 8-5   Patches to Upgrade Java DB on Solaris       
Table 8-6   Patches to Upgrade Java DB on Linux       
Table 9-1   HADB Directory Paths       
Table 9-2   Upgrade Paths to Java ES 5 Update 1 (Release 5U1): HADB 4.4.3       
Table 9-3   HADB Data Usage       
Table 9-4   HADB Version Verification Outputs       
Table 9-5   Package Versions for Upgrading HADB on Solaris Platforms       
Table 10-1   Message Queue Directory Paths       
Table 10-2   Upgrade Paths to Java ES 5 Update 1 (Release 5U1): Message Queue 3.7 UR2       
Table 10-3   Message Queue Data Usage (Solaris OS)       
Table 10-4   Message Queue Version Verification Outputs       
Table 10-5   Patches to Upgrade Message Queue on Solaris       
Table 10-6   Patches to Upgrade Message Queue on Linux       
Table 10-7   Message Queue Version Verification Outputs       
Table 10-8   Message Queue Version Verification Outputs       
Table 11-1   Application Server Directory Paths       
Table 11-2   Upgrade Paths to Java ES 5 Update 1 (Release 5U1): Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.2 Patch 2       
Table 11-3   Upgrade Paths for Application Server Versions Bundled with Solaris OS       
Table 11-4   Application Server Data Usage       
Table 11-5   Application Server Version Verification Outputs       
Table 11-6   Patches to Upgrade Application Server on Solaris       
Table 11-7   Patches to Upgrade Application Server on Linux       
Table 12-1   Service Registry Directory Paths       
Table 12-2   Upgrade Paths to Java ES 5 Update 1 (Release 5U1): Service Registry 3.1 Update 1       
Table 12-3   Service Registry Data Usage       
Table 12-4   Service Registry Version Verification Outputs       
Table 12-5   Patches to Upgrade Service Registry on Solaris       
Table 12-6   Patches to Upgrade Service Registry on Linux       
Table 13-1   Web Proxy Server Directory Paths       
Table 13-2   Upgrade Paths to Java ES 5 Update 1 (Release 5U1): Web Proxy Server 4.0.5       
Table 13-3   Web Proxy Server Data Usage       
Table 13-4   Web Proxy Server Version Verification Outputs       
Table 13-5   Patches to Upgrade Web Proxy Server on Solaris       
Table 13-6   Patches to Upgrade Web Proxy Server on Linux       
Table 13-7   Patches to Upgrade Web Proxy Server on Solaris       
Table 13-8   Patches to Upgrade Web Proxy Server on Linux       
Table 13-9   Web Proxy Server Version Verification Outputs       
Table 14-1   Access Manager Directory Paths       
Table 14-2   Upgrade Paths to Java ES 5 Update 1 (Release 5U1): Access Manager 7.1       
Table 14-3   Access Manager Data Usage       
Table 14-4   Web Container Upgrade Scenarios for Access Manager Upgrade       
Table 14-5   Access Manager Version Verification Outputs       
Table 14-6   Patches to Upgrade Access Manager Mobile Access Software       
Table 14-7   Mobile Access Patch Parameters       
Table 14-8   Access Manager Configuration Parameters: ampre71upgrade       
Table 14-9   Administrative Server Modes Supported by amconfig       
Table 14-10   Access Manager Configuration Parameters: amconfig       
Table 14-11   amconfig Parameters: Release 5U1 Web Server       
Table 14-12   Access Manager Configuration Parameters: amupgrade       
Table 14-13   Patches to Upgrade Access Manager Mobile Access Software       
Table 14-14   Mobile Access Patch Parameters       
Table 14-15   Access Manager Configuration Parameters: ampre71upgrade       
Table 14-16   Access Manager Configuration Parameters: amconfig       
Table 14-17   Access Manager Configuration Parameters: amupgrade       
Table 15-1   Portal Server Directory Paths       
Table 15-2   Upgrade Paths to Java ES 5 Update 1 (Release 5U1): Portal Server 7.1U2       
Table 15-3   Portal Server Data Usage       
Table 15-4   Web Container Upgrade Scenarios for Portal Server Upgrade       
Table 15-5   Portal Server Version Verification Outputs       
Table 15-6   Information Required by psupdate Script per Web Container Upgrade Scenario       
Table 15-7   Patches to Upgrade Portal Server to Release 5U1 on Solaris       
Table 15-8   Patches to Upgrade Portal Server on Linux       
Table 15-9   Information Required by psupgrade Script per Web Container Upgrade Scenario       
Table 15-10   Patches to Upgrade Portal Server IFR to Release 5U1       
Table 16-1   Portal Server Secure Remote Access Directory Paths       
Table 16-2   Upgrade Paths to Java ES 5 Update 1 (Release 5U1): Portal Server Secure Remote Access 7.1U2       
Table 16-3   Portal Server Secure Remote Access Data Usage       
Table 16-4   Portal Server Secure Remote Access Version Verification Outputs       
Table 16-5   Patches to Upgrade Portal Server Secure Remote Access on Solaris       
Table 16-6   Patches to Upgrade Portal Server Secure Remote Access on Linux       
Table 16-7   Portal Server Secure Remote Access Version Verification Outputs       
Table 16-8   Patches to Upgrade Portal Server Secure Remote Access IFR to Release 5U1       
Table 17-1   Monitoring Console Directory Paths       
Table 17-2   Upgrade Paths to Java ES 5 Update 1 (Release 5U1): Monitoring
Console 1.0 Update 1       
Table 17-3   Monitoring Console Data Usage       
Table 17-4   Monitoring Console Version Verification Outputs       
Table 17-5   Patches to Upgrade Monitoring Console on Solaris       
Table 17-6   Patches to Upgrade Monitoring Console on Linux       

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Part No: 820-2510-10
November 2007.   Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.