Sun Java System Access Manager Policy Agent 2.2 Guide for Sun Java System Application Server 8.2/9.0/9.1

Application Server 8.2/9.0/9.1 Agent Directory Structure

Application Server 8.2/9.0/9.1 Agent PolicyAgent-base Directory

Before you download and unzip the file, consider creating a download directory. For example, this guide uses Agent_Home as the download directory.

Unzipping the file in the Agent_Home directory creates the directory structure shown in the following example. In this guide, PolicyAgent-base is used to refer to this directory.

Example 2–23 PolicyAgent-base Directory


Application Server 8.2/9.0/9.1 Files and Subdirectories

After you install the Application Server 8.2/9.0/9.1 agent using the agentadmin ---install command, the files and subdirectories shown in Table 2–2 are available under the PolicyAgent-base directory. These files and subdirectories are described in detail after the table.

Table 2–2 Example of Policy Agent Base Directory for a J2EE Agent

PolicyAgent-base Files and Subdirectories


jce and jsee











The jce and jsee directories are not used for this agent. Other files and directories under the PolicyAgent-base directory include:


This directory contains the sample application included with Policy Agent 2.2. This application is extremely useful. Not only does it demonstrate configuration options and features, but the application can be used to test if an agent is running.

Use the sample application that comes with the agent or build the application from scratch. Find instructions for building, deploying, and running this application at the following location:


The full path to the sample application is as follows:


For more information about the sample application, see The Sample Application.


This directory contains the agentadmin script for the agent bits. You will use this script a great deal. For details about the tasks performed with this script, see Role of the agentadmin Program in a J2EE Agent for Policy Agent 2.2.


This directory contains the agentapp file (specifically, the agentapp.war or agentapp.ear file), which has to be deployed after installation is complete. This application helps the agent perform certain housekeeping tasks.


This directory contains various log files, including log files created when you issue the agentadmin command.

This directory also contains the installation log file. For the 2.2 release of Policy Agent, log information is stored in the installation log file after you install a J2EE agent instance. The following is the location of this log file:



The lib directory has a list of all the agent libraries that are used by the installer as well as the agent run time.


This directory has all the agent installer information as well as agent run time specific locale information pertaining to the specific agent.


This directory has all the installer specific data.

Caution – Caution –

Do not edit any of the files in the data directory. If this directory or any of its content loses data integrity, the agentadmin program cannot function normally.


The full path for this directory is as follows:


where AgentInstance-Dir refers to an agent instance directory, which is Agent_001.

Note –

This directory does not exist until you successfully install the first instance of a J2EE agent. Once you have successfully executed one run of the agentadmin --install command, an agent specific directory, Agent_00x is created in the Policy Agent base directory. This directory is uniquely tied to an instance of the deployment container, such as an application server instance. Depending on the number of times the agentadmin --install command is run, the number that replaces the x in the Agent_00x directory name will vary.

After you successfully install the first instance of a J2EE agent, an agent instance directory named Agent_001 appears in the Policy Agent base directory. The path to this directory is as follows:


The next installation of the agent creates an agent instance directory named Agent_002. The directories for uninstalled agents are not automatically removed. Therefore, if Agent_001 and Agent_002 are uninstalled, the next agent instance directory is Agent_003.

Agent instance directories contain directories named config and logs.

Note –

When a J2EE agent is uninstalled, the config directory is removed from the agent instance directory, but the logs directory still exists.


Two subdirectories exist within this directory as follows:


This directory contains the local audit trail for the agent instance.


This directory has all the agent-specific debug information. When the agent runs in full debug mode, this directory stores all the debug files that are generated by the agent code.


This directory contains the J2EE agent configuration file that is specific to the agent instance. Each J2EE agent can be configured by a unique instance of the J2EE agent configuration file. This file holds the key to the agent behavior at runtime.