Deployment Example: Deploying and Customizing the Documentum Portlet

Portal Styles

Your portlet should use portal style classes that are defined in the portal's cascading style sheet. Consult your portal documentation for instructions on setting portlet styles. In the following example from a portlet JSP page, an input element uses a portal style class called portlet-form-input-field:

<input class="portlet-form-input-field" type="submit">

The .css file is loaded by the portal and should not be reloaded by a portlet. For class definitions and associated values, refer to the JSR-168 specification. This interface converts a WDK standard CSS style into one of the portal styles. By default, this interface returns the WDK style unchanged. Implement the method mapCssClass() to perform the mapping. This method has the following signature:

public String mapCssClass (String strCssClass)

Where strCssClass is the WDK CSS class name. Returns the mapped portal style. You can add a branding image to brand your portlets, replacing the Documentum logo image in the lower right-hand corner of the portlet rendition. To do this, locate the path to an image within your portal directories and enter it as the value of the BrandingImage key in the file for your portal. For example, the file for the SUN portal is named, and it is located in /WEB-INF/classes/com/documentum/web/env/sun directory. A custom image placed in /custom/images is registered as follows:


This image is rendered after the portal is restarted, similar to the following. The image launches the About component which can be customized to describe your application.