Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Update 1 Installation Guide for UNIX

How Upgrading Works

The Java ES installer automatically upgrades shared components for the selected product components to match the level required for the release of Java ES. If you want to upgrade shared components manually, you must exit the installer, upgrade the shared component, then return to the installer. Shared components can also be installed or upgraded in a dedicated installation session that installs only shared components, enabling them to be synchronized to the current release. If you choose to install the Shared Components item, all required shared components for the Java ES release are installed or upgraded.

Note –

If the installer is run in a non-global Solaris zone with a sparse root file system, the Shared Component item is not available for selection.

On Solaris OS, some product components are already installed with the operating system. In this case, you can upgrade these product components using the Java ES installer. In a graphical installation session, if upgradable product components are detected on your host, the Status column of the Choose Software Components page indicates Upgradable. For the text-based installer, a separate list displays the upgradable product components. The components that can be upgraded by the installer are listed in the following table, along with explanation on any Solaris zones issues that might apply.

Table 1–1 Upgrade Support Within the Java ES Installer


Situation Where the Java ES Installer Can Upgrade 

Solaris Zones Issues 

Application Server 

Application Server 7.0 bundled with Solaris 9 

Application Server 8.0 bundled with Solaris 10 

Application Server 8.1.0 installed with Java ES 3 (2005Q1) 

Application Server 8.1.2 installed with Java ES 4 (2005Q4) 

Application Server 8.2 installed with Java ES 5(2006Q3) 

Before Application Server can be installed into a non-global sparse-root zone, the bundled version must be removed from the global zone. 

"Upgrading Application Server in the global zone will replace the existing version in the global zone and may remove the bundled versions in whole root or sparse root zones. 



HADB installed with Java ES 2005Q1 (release 3) 

HADB installed with Java ES 2005Q4 (release 4) 

HADB installed with Java ES 2006Q3 (release 5) 


Message Queue 

Message Queue bundled with Solaris 9 

Message Queue bundled with Solaris 10 

Message Queue installed with Java ES 3 (2005Q1) 

Message Queue installed with Java ES 4 (2005Q4) 

Message Queue installed with Java ES 5 (2006Q3) 

Message Queue can only be installed in the global zone, or in a whole root non-global zone. 

From the global zone, Message Queue always propagates to non-global zones. 

If the installer identifies incompatible versions of product components that cannot be upgraded by the installer, you will receive messages saying that certain product components must be removed or manually upgraded before you can continue with installation. Such upgrading is fully documented in the Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Update 1 Upgrade Guide for UNIX.