Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Update 1 Installation Guide for UNIX

ProcedureTo Create an Image from the Compressed Archive

  1. Log in as root or become superuser.

  2. Create a shared directory on your network. For example:

    mkdir shared-location/java_es-5u1
  3. Access your installation files from the web site.

  4. Create an installation image from the compressed archive. For example:

    cd shared-location/java_ent_sys_5u1
    unzip pathname/
  5. Repeat this step for any other compressed archive files.

    Note –

    If you copy files for multiple platforms to the shared location, you will receive a query similar to the following in relation to the README file and the COPYRIGHT file:

    File already exists. OK to overwrite?

    Type Yes. These files are identical for all platforms.