Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Update 1 Release Notes

Patch Information

Starting at the release of Java ES 5, Sun adopted a new sustaining model to simplify the task of discovering, downloading, and applying patches to Java ES components. This model consists of two primary features:

Patch Clusters. For several platforms supported by Java ES, you can download a patch cluster containing the latest patches for the versions of components delivered in Java ES 5, including the patches that bring components up to the Java ES 5 Update 1 level. These patch clusters are updated on an ongoing basis as components deliver new patches.

To acquire one of these patch clusters:

  1. Go to

  2. Click “Patches and Updates”.

  3. Click “Recommended Patch Clusters”.

  4. Locate the patch cluster beginning with “Java ES Accumulated” that applies to your OS version and processor architecture and download it.

Keyword Tagging. Beginning with the release of Java ES 5, any patch to any component version included in a Java ES release is tagged in its README file with a keyword indicating that the patch applies to the Java ES release. For Java ES 5 and update releases, the keyword tag is java_es-5. Due to this keyword tagging, you can quickly find all the individual component patches for Java ES 5 and update releases using the PatchFinder feature of SunSolve by entering the java_es-5 keyword.

Note –

You can also get patches for Java ES on Solaris 10 using Sun Connection. For more information, see