Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Update 1 Release Notes

Monitoring Console Interface Issues

New host certificate is not displayed for verification (6467360)

When adding a new host to be monitored, the Monitoring Console uses SSL to secure the connection, but does not show the certificate presented by the selected host. Because the Monitoring Console transmits the host's root password to the node agent, there is a vulnerability to an attacker forging the IP address of the intended host and receiving the password. The risk of this happening is very low because most node agents run on hosts already within a secure network.

Solution If your node agent hosts are not within a secure network, you should verify their authenticity before adding them as new hosts in the Monitoring Console. To verify the authenticity of a host, log in to the host and make sure you recognize its configuration and its file system. For a UNIX host, you can log in with ssh to view the certificate information.

Application Server refers to application instance (6495539, 6388513)

Objects contained in a product are referred to in Monitoring Console as an “application server.” This terminology should not be confused with Sun Java System Application Server.

Solution In the context of the Monitoring Console, an application server refers to the running instance of an installed Java ES component.

Slow response time in Monitoring Console (6490794, 6438443)

Displaying and switching pages in the Monitoring Console can take up to 30 seconds in some cases.

Solution Run the Monitoring Console on a powerful host with no other applications.

No simple way to disable monitoring of a particular component (6446505)

The Monitoring Console cannot enable or disable monitoring on a per-component basis.

Solution You must enable and disable the monitoring of a component through each component's own mechanism. For instructions, see the component–specific sections in Chapter 2, Enabling and Configuring the Monitoring Framework, in Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Update 1 Monitoring Guide.

Console does not always reflect when a monitored component is stopped (6487785)

When a monitored component crashes or is stopped normally, its monitored objects may not be removed from the node agent and remain visible in the left-hand tree of the Monitoring Console. Similarly, if you stop an entire node agent, the host node may not be removed from the left-hand tree. This issue occurs intermittently.

Solution When you stop or restart a server instance, you may need to restart the node agent, the master agent and the Monitoring Console. If you stop a host and its node agent, you may need to restart the master agent and the Monitoring Console. The procedure To Restart a Node Agent in Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Update 1 Monitoring Guide describes how to do both.

Monitoring rules and alarms are not deleted with their host (6474032)

When a host is removed from the Monitoring Console, the monitoring rules and alarms associated with its monitored components are not deleted automatically. This allows persistency of the rules and alarm states if you add the same host again.

Solution If you do not plan on adding that host again, use the Rule dialog to find and delete all rules associated with the host. Alarms that exist when the host is removed may be acknowledged but will remain in the Monitoring Console because the monitored attribute that triggered the alarm can no longer be accessed. To avoid leaving alarms in the acknowledged state, resolve all alarm conditions in a monitored component and acknowledge the alarms in the Monitoring Console before removing the host.

The Disable button in Monitoring Rules does not function when a schedule interval is set (6513968)

If the schedule interval is set for a rule, you cannot disable the rule.

Solution Delete the rule instead of disabling it.

Less Severe Monitoring Console Issues

The following list tracks other known issues with the Monitoring Console.


Various tables are not sorted by default


Host linked from “Objects Using This Installed Product” should not be unknown object


Using the AppServer plug-in, the “objects contained by this server” should not include children of children


Enable and disable functionality is not working correctly in the table of hosts


Caption and description fields displayed for Statistics and Settings objects but not for base objects


Selecting an object and clicking on Monitoring Rule->New should not require the user to select the object again


The names of JVM objects listed for a given host are inconsistent


CMM_Cluster objects created by Application Server are not displayed anywhere


List of observable objects in the New Rule dialog is not clear


Object and Operational Status of Portal, Web, and Application Server objects display as unknown


Enterprise Java Beans deployed in Application Server should have more descriptive names


The names of attributes in Application Server monitoring objects are impossible to use


Internal Application Server configuration changes not reflected in the Monitoring Console

6446325, 6496542

Monitoring Console should be able to expose a domain view


In the de locale, the index for online help is inconsistent with the English version


The Show Objects With Status function does not work when Show Selected Object is set


Removing schedule intervals from a rule fails with a script error


Some strings are not localized in the JVM-General table


In the Spanish user interface, the copyright string is not localized


Many strings are not localized in the Monitoring Console user interface


Changing the schedule interval of a rule from 0:00 to 0:00 deletes the rule itself