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[default application]

The [default application] keyword defines a section containing parameters that control the behavior of ASP applications. Parameters are listed in the following table.

Note icon Note If you make any changes to casp.cnfg, you must restart the Sun ONE ASP Server. If you make any changes to the [default application] section in casp.cnfg, you must restart both the Sun ONE ASP Server and the Web server.

bufferingon (yes/no)
Yes (the default) enables script buffering.
Amount of time in seconds that the ASP Server waits for a new page request before canceling the session.
Amount of time in seconds the ASP Server waits for an ASP page to finish processing before canceling the request. A value for ScriptTimeout specified in a script will always override the value set in casp.cnfg.
Note: If deadlocktimeout (below) is set to a value lower than scripttimeout, the ASP engine will restart once the time specified for deadlocktimeout has elapsed.
Amount of time, in seconds, that should elapse before the ASP Server is considered deadlocked and the engine is restarted.
Note: If deadlocktimeout is set to a value lower than scripttimeout, the ASP engine will restart once the time specified for deadlocktimeout has elapsed.
allowsessionstate (yes/no)
Yes (the default) enables the use of the Session object in ASP scripts.
enableparentpaths (yes/no)
No, the default, limits file system access by the FileSystemObject object to the application directory and subdirectories, and disables the use of "../" syntax. Yes enables access to the file system by the FileSystemObject object outside the ASP application directory and the use of "../" syntax in #INCLUDE and Server.MapPath statements.
Caution: Changing Enable parent paths to yes can affect the security of your server. Before you change this setting, make sure that the ASP Server has permission to access only the files you want to be publicly accessible, and that it does not have access to sensitive files containing configuration or password information. You can restrict the permissions of the ASP Server by defining the user it runs under, and making sure that that user has appropriately restricted file system permissions.
Note: The Enable parent paths setting does not add any restrictions to executing Java code. For example, if you want to restrict Java code to access files within the application directory, the proper permissions should be in the bean.policy file.
(vbscript or javascript)
Specifies the default script interpreter. This value can either be vbscript or javascript. (For more information about scripting engines provided with Sun ONE ASP, see Scripting Languages Reference.)
showdefaulterror (yes/no)
When set to Yes, the value of defaulterror (below) is displayed when the ASP Server encounters a run-time error.
The error message displayed when showdefaulterror (above) is set to Yes.
When a script-parsing or run-time error is encountered, the server redirects to this custom error page. The default [C-ASP_INSTALL_DIR]/admin/sys/500-100.asp page displays the error information (see Remarks: ASP Server Object GetLastError Method).
When the browser requests the global.asa file and an error is encountered, the server redirects to this custom error page. The default [C-ASP_INSTALL_DIR]/admin/sys/500-15.htm page displays the error information (see Remarks: ASP Server Object GetLastError Method).
