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Sun Java System Access Manager Policy Agent 2.2 Release Notes
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Sun Java System Access Manager Policy Agent 2.2 Release Notes

About Access Manager Policy Agent 2.2

What's New in This Release

What's New About Web Agents in This Release

Support for Fetching User Session Attributes

Log Rotation

Policy-Based Response Attributes

Composite Advice

Additional Method for Fetching the REMOTE_USER Server Variable

Malicious Header Attributes Automatically Cleared by Agents

Load Balancing Enablement

Support for Heterogeneous Agent Types on the Same Machine

Support for Turning Off FQDN Mapping

Web Agents and Backward Compatibility With Access Manager 6.3

What's New About J2EE Agents in This Release

Removal of Dependencies on LDAP and on Administrative Accounts

Enhanced Installation Process

Coexistence With Access Manager

Support for Client Identification Based on Custom HTTP Headers

Agent Specific Application for Housekeeping Tasks

URL Policy Enhancements

Support for Flexible User Mapping Mechanisms

Support for Fetching User Session Attributes (J2EE Agents)

Support for Version Checking

Support for Not-Enforced IP Lists

Support for Custom Response Headers

Support for Application Logout Integration

Support for Application Specific Agent Filter Operation Modes

Support for Affinity-Based Login URL Selection

Support for a Sample Application

J2EE Agents and Backward Compatibility With Access Manager 6.3

Policy Agent 2.2-05 Update Release

Web Agents in the Policy Agent 2.2-05 Update Release

Key Fixes and Enhancements in the Policy Agent 2.2-05 Update Release

Web agent behind load balancer now evaluates request against not-enforced client IP list (6915959)

Wildcard (*) support is added for not-enforced client IP list (6903850)

Web agents can map LDAP attributes to more than one HTTP header (6937504)

NSS libraries are upgraded to version 3.12.3 (6870161)

New properties for POST data preservation (6891373)

Known Issues in the Policy Agent 2.2-05 Update Release

In cookie hijacking mode, logout request hangs (6894077)

Policy Agent 2.2-04 Update Release

Web Agents in the Policy Agent 2.2-04 Update Release

Key Fixes and Enhancements in the Policy Agent 2.2-04 Update Release

IIS 6.0 agent behind a load balancer now evaluates requests against not-enforced client IP list (6894700, 6864977)

Sticky cookie support added for web agents behind a load balancer with POST data preservation (6836393)

Apache HTTP Server 2.0.x and 2.2.x agents can encode special characters in cookies by URL encoding (6814694)

Web agents have changes in the path info related properties (6854806)

NSS and NSPR libraries are bundled with web agents on Solaris and Linux systems (6794995)

Policy Agent 2.2-03 Update Release

Java EE Agents in the Policy Agent 2.2-03 Update Release

Patch IDs for Java EE Agents in the Policy Agent 2.2-03 Update Release

Web Agents in the Policy Agent 2.2-03 Update Release

Patch IDs for Web Agents in the Policy Agent 2.2-03 Update Release

Web Agents: Key Fixes and Enhancements in the Policy Agent 2.2-03 Update

IIS 6.0 agent supports POST data preservation (6735280)

Web Proxy Server 4.0 agent can send GET request without header (6787007)

Web agents library is upgraded (6817868)

Not-enforced POST requests can be accessed in CDSSO mode (6789020)

Web agent can handle new Access Manager 7.1 policy advices (6785022)

Log entry added if web agent causes Apache Web Server to hang when the agent's log rotation fails (6804139)

IIS 6.0 agent supports agent URL override functionality (6829880)

IIS 6.0 SharePoint agent redirects to access-denied page if user doesn't exist in Active Directory (6854317)

Web Agents: Known Issues in the Policy Agent 2.2-03 Update Release

Agent for Apache HTTP Server 2.0.x on IBM AIX 5.3 requires bos.rte.libc fileset upgrade

NSPR libraries need to be upgraded to version 4.7.0

Version 2.2-02 agent for Apache HTTP Server 2.2.3 fails to start on Linux 5.0

Policy Agent 2.2-02 Update Release

Policy Agent 2.2-02 Update For Web Agents

New Certifications and Support Added in 2.2-02 Web Agents

Large File Support For Apache 2.0 Agent

New Platform Support for 2.2-02 Web Agents

Policy Agent 2.2-02 Update For J2EE Agents

New Platform Support for 2.2-02 J2EE Agents

Key Fixes and Enhancements in the Policy Agent 2.2-02 Update

J2EE_POLICY and ALL filter modes do not work on 2.2-02 J2EE Agent on Oracle Application Server 10g (6790321)

J2EE policy agent fails to log when the log action is LOG_DENY (6729386)

Performance issue resolved for policy agent (6768406)

For web agents, sunwMethod parameter is removed from the URL in CDSSO mode (6725383)

Domino 7.0 agent redirects client to URL instead of displaying a 500 error if Access Manager server is not responding (6715064)

Composite advice can be included in the query instead of through a POST request (6676032)

Apache 2.0 agent supports additional HTTP methods for a Subversion repository (6647805)

For web agents, support is added to adjust the policy clock skew (6608463)

Policy Agent 2.2-01 Update Release

Policy Agent 2.2-01 Web Agents

Determining the Version of a Policy Agent 2.2 Web Agent

Key Fixes and Enhancements in Policy Agent 2.2-01 Web Agents

Policy Agent 2.2 for Microsoft IIS 6.0 does not function properly when Basic Authentication is set (6415948)

Request for specific session attributes to be populated in HTTP headers (6409146)

In Policy Agent 2.2 for Microsoft IIS 6.0, Replay Password Encryption is lacking for Basic Authentication (6475899)

Web agents in the Policy Agent 2.2 release fail with Access Manager 6.3 (6490037)

Disabling Internet Explorer pop up when protocol changes from HTTP to HTTPS (6532260)

Web Distributing Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) support is necessary to allow for a wider range of HTTP methods (6567164)

Program Database (.pdb) files should be part of agent binaries to help in debugging issues (6581272)

Other Additions to Policy Agent 2.2-01 Web Agents

The Key New Properties Added for Policy Agent 2.2-01 Web Agents

Property Added:

Property Added:

Property Made Available:

Property Added:

Property Made Available:

Properties Made Available for Microsoft Office SharePoint and Outlook Web Access

Access Manager and Policy Agent 2.2-01 Web Agents: Allowing Requests Using Non-Standard HTTP Methods

Supported HTTP Methods of Web Agents in Policy Agent 2.2-01

Policy Agent 2.2-01 Web Agents: Newly Supported HTTP Methods

Policy Agent 2.2-01 Web Agents: Support for INVALID Methods

Policy Agent 2.2-01 J2EE Agents

Determining the Version of a Policy Agent 2.2 J2EE Agent

Key Fixes and Enhancements in Policy Agent 2.2-01 J2EE Agents

If you restart Access Manager but not the J2EE agent, future attempts to access an agent protected page from a browser result in a 403 Forbidden message (6636155)

IBM WebSphere Administration Console can not be used to access the users, roles and group identities in the Access Manager identity repository (6462779)

The Key New Properties Added for Policy Agent 2.2-01 J2EE Agents

Property Made Available: com.sun.identity.enableUniqueSSOTokenCookie

Policy Agent 2.2-01: Enabling Access Manager Identities to Access the IBM WebSphere Administration Console

Policy Agent 2.2: Problem Accessing Identities With IBM WebSphere Administration Console

Policy Agent 2.2-01: Overview of Fix for IBM WebSphere Administration Console Access Problem

Supplemental Instructions for Installing and Configuring Policy Agent 2.2-01 for IBM WebSphere Application Server

Supported Servers in Policy Agent 2.2

Understanding Server and Operating System Support for Policy Agent 2.2

Web Agents and Minor Version Support of Servers and Operating Systems

J2EE Agents and Minor Version Support of Servers and Operating Systems

Supported Servers for Web Agents in Policy Agent 2.2

Supported Servers for J2EE Agents in Policy Agent 2.2

Compatibility With Access Manager and OpenSSO Enterprise

Installation Notes

Installation Notes for Web Agents in Policy Agent 2.2

Uninstallation Script for Web Agents in Policy Agent 2.2

Installation Notes for J2EE Agents in Policy Agent 2.2

Using the agentadmin Program with J2EE Agents

Policy Agent Directories

Deploying the Agent Application

Combining a J2EE Agent With Access Manager (Conditional)

Known Issues and Limitations

All Agents in Policy Agent 2.2

Individual Policy Agent 2.2 Guides Do Not Describe Precautions Against Cookie Hijacking

Web Agents in Policy Agent 2.2

All Web Agents in Policy Agent 2.2

On UNIX-based machines, all web agents require that the X11 DISPLAY variable be set properly.

A harmless error message appears in the web agent log files (6334519)

Web agent log entries are written to the wrong files (6301676)

Besides Agent for Apache HTTP Server 2.0.54, web agents do not support the 64-bit version of a deployment container (6474344)

Web Servers often cannot interpret hyphens used in header names

Error message issued during installation of Policy Agent 2.2 on Linux systems

Web agents do not function properly when a load balancer exists in front of an Access Manager 6.3 host (6674827)

The web agent property is not documented in any of the web agent guides (6523846)

Policy Agent 2.2 for Microsoft Internet Information Services 6.0 (Microsoft IIS 6.0)

When a specific environment variable is not properly set, the system might fail (6433790)

J2EE Agents in Policy Agent 2.2

All J2EE Agents in Policy Agent 2.2

A harmless error message appears in the J2EE agent log files (6301668)

The agentadmin --install command displays an error message after being issued a second time (6268136)

Resources accessed with Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1 can result in 404 Not Found Error (6362249)

Harmless error messages related to JAX-RPC appear in the J2EE agent debug files (6325238)

Exceptions thrown when Access Manager uses polling with a J2EE agent (6452320)

Policy Agent 2.2 guides do not explain configuration of J2EE Agents and Access Manager SDK on the Same Deployment Container

J2EE agent installation prompts do not allow responses with leading or trailing spaces (6452708)

The agentadmin --install command fails to install the J2EE agent because of a previous unsuccessful installation (6443460)

The first use of a resource protected by a declarative constraint results in a misdirect

The agentadmin --getUuid command fails for amadmin user on Access Manager 7 with various agents (6452713)

Policy Agent 2.2 for Sun Java System Application Server 8.1

When interacting with Application Server 8.1, the Access Manager SDK cannot initialize admin data and displays an exception message (6284280)

Policy Agent 2.2 for Apache Tomcat 5.5 Servlet/JSP Container

Apache Tomcat Servlet/JSP Container bits with the .exe extension do not allow the agent to perform properly (6371980)

Error message issued with certain versions of the deployment container starting with Apache Tomcat 5.5.23 Servlet/JSP Container

Policy Agent 2.2 for IBM WebSphere Application Server

The agentadmin --install command fails on Agent for IBM WebSphere Application Server (6385085)

Harmless error message related to the DirectoryManager class appears in the debug files of agents for IBM WebSphere Application Server (6403913)

Using the agentadmin command fails under specific conditions when Agent for IBM WebSphere Application Server is used with Access Manager 6.3 (6443463)

The sample application of Agent for IBM WebSphere Application Server provides incorrect information about the role required (6452733)

The agentadmin --install command fails to install a second instance of Agent for IBM WebSphere Application Server when using the same bits on the same host (6452719)

During the installation of Agent for IBM WebSphere Application Server on a Windows system, the IBM JVM returns an empty encryption key (6461210)

Settings for CLASPATH variable are lost after agentadmin command is issued (6653936)

Policy Agent 2.2 for Oracle Application Server 10g

The sample application requires editing to work properly (6486895)

Documentation Updates

Wrong separator used in web agent guides for property (6901494)

Policy Agent 2.2 documentation should reference OpenSSO (6857941)

Deprecation Notifications and Announcements

Redistributable Files

How to Report Problems and Provide Feedback

Release Notes Revision History

About Access Manager Policy Agent 2.2

Access Manager Policy Agent 2.2 protects content on supported deployment containers, such as web servers and application servers, from unauthorized intrusions. It controls access to services and web resources based on the policies configured by an administrator.

Other important information about Policy Agent 2.2 can be found in the following sections of these release notes.