Sun Java System Portal Server Secure Remote Access 7.2 Administration Guide

Obtaining Client Information

When the Gateway forwards a client request to any internal server, it adds HTTP headers to the HTTP request. You can use these headers to obtain additional client information and detect the presence of the Gateway.

To view the HTTP request headers, set the entry in the platform.conf file to gateway.error=message. And, then use the request.getHeader() from the servlet API. The following table lists the information in the HTTP headers.

Table 2–3 Information in HTTP Headers





X-PS-GW- PDC: true/false

Indicates whether PDC is enabled at the Gateway. 



Indicates whether Netlet has been enabled or disabled at the Gateway. 

If Netlet is enabled, then the encryption option is populated, indicating whether the Gateway is running in HTTPS (encryption=ssl) or in HTTP mode (encryption=plain)

For example: 

  • PS-Netlet: enabled=false

    Netlet is disabled.

  • PS-Netlet: enabled=true; encryption=ssl

    Netlet is enabled with the Gateway running in SSL mode.

    The encryption=ssl or encryption=plainis not populated when Netlet is not enabled.


X-PS-GW-URL: http(s)://gatewayURL(:port)

Indicates the URL that the client is connected to. 

When the port is non-standard, for example, if the Gateway is in HTTP/HTTPS mode and the port is not 80/443, then the :port is also populated.


X-PS-GW-URL: http(s)://gatewayURL(:port)/[SessionInfo]

Indicates the URL that the Gateway rewrites all the pages to. 

  1. When the browser supports cookies, the value of this header is the same as the PS-GW-URL header.

  2. When the browser does not support cookies:

    • the destination host is in the "User Session to which User Session Cookie is Forwarded" field, the value is the actual URL to which the Gateway rewrites the page to (including the encoded SessionID information).

    • the destination host is not in the User Session to which User Session Cookie is Forwarded field, then the SessionInfo string is $SessionID

      Note –

      As part of the response, if the user's Access Manager sessionId changes (like response from authentication page) then the pages are rewritten with that value (and not the value that was previously indicated in the header).

      For example:

    • If the browser supports cookies:


  • If the browser does not support cookies and the endserver is in the User Session to which User Session Cookie is Forwarded field.


  • If the browser does not support cookies and endserver is not in User Session to which User Session Cookie is Forwarded field.




Indicates the IP that the Gateway obtained from recievedSocket.getInetAddress().getHostAddress()

This value provides the client's IP if directly connected to the Gateway.