Sun Java System Portal Server Secure Remote Access 7.2 Administration Guide

Sample for HTML Attributes

ProcedureTo Use the HTML Attributes Sample

  1. This sample can be accessed from:


  2. Ensure that and are defined in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list in the Gateway service.

    If this is not defined, a direct connection is assumed, and the Gateway URL is not prefixed.

    You need not add the rule specified in this sample to the default_gateway_ruleset because the rule is already defined.

HTML Before Rewriting

Rewriting starts
<title>TEST PAGE () </title>
1.a href <a href="">http://..</a>
2. href <a href="">https://..</a>
3. href <a href="../images/logo.gif">../images/</a>
4. href <a href="images/logo.gif">images/..</a> <br><br>
5. href <a href="../../images/logo.gif">../../images/</a> <br><br>
Rewriting ends


<Attribute name="href"/>

HTML After Rewriting

Rewriting starts
<title>TEST PAGE () </title>
1. a href <a href="gateway-URL/">http://..</a> <br>

// This URL is rewritten because the <Attrib name="href"/> rule is already defined in the default_gateway_ruleset. Because the URL is already absolute, only the Gateway URL is prefixed. Ensure that is defined in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list in the Gateway service. Otherwise, the Gateway URL is not prefixed, because a direct connection is assumed.

2. href <a href="gateway-URL/">https://..</a>

// Again, needs to be defined in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list in the Gateway service. Otherwise, the Gateway URL is not prefixed, because a direct connection is assumed.

3. href <a href="gateway-URL/portal-server-URL/rewriter/HTML/images/logo.gif">../images/</a>

// Because a relative path is specified, the Gateway URL and the portal-server-URL are prefixed along with the required subdirectories. This link will not work because a directory called images under the HTML directory is not specified in the sample structure provided.

4 href <a href="gateway-URL/portal-server-URL/rewriter/HTML/attrib/images/
logo.gif">images/..</a> <br><br>

// Because a relative path is specified, the Gateway URL and the Portal Server URL are prefixed along with the required subdirectories.

5. href <a href="gateway-URL/portal-server-URL/rewriter/images/logo.gif">
../../images/</a> <br><br>

// Because a relative path is specified, the Gateway URL and the Portal Server URL are prefixed along with the required subdirectories. This link will not work because a directory called images under the Rewriter directory is not specified in the sample structure provided

Rewriting ends</html>

Sample for HTML Dynamic JavaScript Tokens

This section discuses using the HTML JavaScript token sample

ProcedureTo Use the HTML JavaScript Token Sample:

  1. This sample can be accessed from:


  2. Add the rule specified in this sample to the default_gateway_ruleset in the section "Rules for Rewriting JavaScript Source".

  3. Edit the default_gateway_ruleset in the Rewriter service under the Portal Server Configuration in the Portal Server administration console.

  4. Restart the Gateway from a terminal window:

    ./psadmin start-sra-instance –u amadmin – f  <password file> –N <profile name>– t  <gateway>

HTML Before Rewriting

Rewriting starts
<script language="javascript">
function Check(test,ind){
if (ind == \qblur\q)
{alert("testing onBlur")}
if (ind == \qfocus\q)
{alert("testing onFocus")}
<input TYPE=TEXT SIZE=20 value=blur onAbort="Check
<input TYPE=TEXT SIZE=20 value=blur onBlur="Check
<input TYPE=TEXT SIZE=20 value=focus onFocus="Check
<input TYPE=TEXT SIZE=20 value=focus onChange="Check
<input TYPE=TEXT SIZE=20 value=focus onClick="Check
Rewriting ends


<Attribute name=”onClick” type=”DJS”/>
<Function type="URL" name="Check" paramPatterns="y"/>

Note –

<Function name="URL" name="Check" paramPatterns="y"/> is a JavaScript function rule and is explained in detail in the JavaScript function sample.

HTML After Rewriting

Rewriting starts
<script language="javascript">
function Check(test,ind){
if (ind == \qblur\q)
{alert("testing onBlur")}
if (ind == \qfocus\q)
{alert("testing onFocus")}
<input TYPE=TEXT SIZE=20 value=blur onAbort="Check
(\qgateway URL/portal-server-URL/indexblur.html\q,\qblur\q);return;">
<input TYPE=TEXT SIZE=20 value=blur onBlur="Check
(\qgateway URL/portal-server-URL/indexblur.html\q,\qblur\q);return;">
<input TYPE=TEXT SIZE=20 value=focus onFocus="Check
(\qgateway URL/portal-server-URL/focus.html\q,\qfocus\q);return;">
<input TYPE=TEXT SIZE=20 value=focus onChange="Check
(\qgateway URL/portal-server-URL/focus.html\q,\qfocus\q);return;">
<input TYPE=TEXT SIZE=20 value=focus onClick="Check
(\qgateway URL/portal-server-URL/focus.html\q,\qblur\q);return;">

// All the statements are rewritten in this sample. The Gateway and Portal Server URLs are prefixed in each case. This is because rules for onAbort, onBlur, onFocus, onChange, and onClick are defined in the default_gateway_ruleset file. Rewriter detects the JavaScript tokens and passes it to the JavaScript function rules for further processing. The second rule listed in the sample tells Rewriter which parameter to rewrite.


Rewriting ends
