Sun Java System Portal Server Secure Remote Access 7.2 Administration Guide

Sample for JavaScript DJS Functions

ProcedureTo Use the JavaScript DJS Functions Sample

  1. This sample can be accessed from:


  2. Ensure that is defined in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list in the Gateway service.

    If this is not defined, a direct connection is assumed, and the Gateway URL is not prefixed.

  3. Add the rule specified in this sample (if it does not already exist) to the default_gateway_ruleset in the section "Rules for Rewriting JavaScript Source". Edit the default_gateway_ruleset in the Rewriter service under Portal Server Configuration in the Portal Server administration console.

  4. Restart the Gateway:

    ./psadmin start-sra-instance –u amadmin – f  <password file> –N <profile name>– t  <gateway>

HTML Page Before Rewriting

Test for JavaScript DJS Functions
menu.addItem(new NavBarMenuItem("All Available
//menu.addItem(new NavBarMenuItem("All Available Information",""));


<Function type="DJS" name="NavBarMenuItem" paramPatterns=",y"/>
<Variable type="URL" name=”top.location”/>

HTML Page After Rewriting

Testing JavaScript DJS Functions
menu.addItem(new NavBarMenuItem
("All Available Information","javaScript:top.location=

// is an entry in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list in the Gateway service. Hence Rewriter needs to rewrite this URL. But because an absolute URL, the Portal Server URL need not be prefixed. The DJS rule states that the second parameter of the DJS function NavBarMenuItem needs to be rewritten. But the second parameter is again a JavaScript variable. A second rule is required to rewrite the value of this variable. The second rule specifies that the value of the JavaScript variable top.location needs to be rewritten. Because all these conditions are met, the URL is rewritten.

//menu.addItem(new NavBarMenuItem("All Available Information",""));

// Although the DJS rule specifies that the second parameter of the function NavBarMenuItem needs to be rewritten, it does not happen in this statement. This is because Rewriter does not recognize the second parameter as simple HTML.
