Sun Java System Portal Server Secure Remote Access 7.2 Administration Guide

Secure Mode

Secure mode provides users with secure remote access to required intranet file systems and applications.

The Gateway resides in the demilitarized zone (DMZ). The Gateway provides a single secure access point to all intranet URLs and applications, thus reducing the number of ports to be opened in the firewall. All other Portal Server services such as Session, Authentication, and the standard Portal Desktop reside behind the DMZ in the secured intranet. Communication from the client browser to the Gateway is encrypted using HTTP over Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). Communication from the Gateway to the server and intranet resources can be either HTTP or HTTPS.

In Secure Mode, SSL is used to encrypt the connection between the client and the Gateway over the Internet. SSL can also be used to encrypt the connection between the Gateway and the server. The presence of the Gateway between the intranet and the Internet extends the secure path between the client and the Portal Server.

Figure 1–2 Portal Server in Secure Mode with Secure Remote Access

Portal Server in Secure Mode with Secure Remote Access

Additional servers and gateways can be added for site expansion. Secure Remote Access software can be configured in various ways based on the business requirement. For more information on how to accommodate your business requirements, see Sun Java System Portal Server 7.2 Deployment Planning Guide.