Sun Java System Portal Server Secure Remote Access 7.2 Administration Guide

Federation Management Scenario

A user authenticates to an initial service provider. Service providers are commercial or not-for-profit organizations that offer web-based services. This broad category can include internet portals, retailers, transportation providers, financial institutions, entertainment companies, libraries, universities, and governmental agencies.

The service provider uses a cookie to store the user’s session information in the client browser. The cookie also includes the user’s identity provider.

Identity providers are service providers that specialize in providing authentication services. As the administrating service for authentication, they also maintain and manage identity information. Authentication accomplished by an identity provider is honored by all service providers with whom they are affiliated.

When the user attempts to access a service that is not affiliated with the identity provider, the identity provider forwards the cookie to the unaffiliated service provider. This service provider can then access the identity provider called out in the cookie.

However, cookies cannot be read across different DNS domains. Therefore a Common Domain Cookie Service is used to redirect the service provider to the correct identity provider thus enabling single sign-on for the user.