Sun Java System Portal Server Secure Remote Access 7.2 Administration Guide

EXPRESSION Parameter Example

Assume the base URL of the page is:

Page Content

<script language="JavaScript">
function jstest2(){
return ".html";
function jstest1(one){
return one;
var dir="/images/test"
var test1=jstest1(dir+"/test"+jstest2());
document.write("<a HREF="+test1+">TEST</a>");


<Function type="EXPRESSION" name="jstest1" paramPatterns="y"/>
<Function name="jstest1" paramPatterns="y"/>


<script language="JavaScript">
function jstest2(){
return ".html";
function jstest1(one){
return one;
var dir="/images/test"
var test1=jstest1(psSRAPRewriter_convert_expression(dir+"/test"+jstest2()));
document.write("<a HREF="+test1+">TEST</a>");


The rule specifies that the first parameter of the jstest1 function needs to be rewritten by considering this as an EXPRESSION function param. In the sample page content, the first parameter is an expression that will be evaluated only at runtime. Rewriter prefixes this expression with the psSRAPRewriter_convert_expression function. The expression is evaluated, and the psSRAPRewriter_convert_expression function rewrites the output at runtime.

Note –

In the above example, the variable test1 is not required as a part of the JavaScript variable rule. The function rule for jstest1 takes care of the rewriting.