Sun Java System Portal Server Secure Remote Access 7.2 Administration Guide

HTML After Rewriting

Rewriting starts
<APPLET codebase=gateway-URL/portal-server-URL
/rewriter/HTML/applet/appletcode=RewriteURLinApplet.class archive=/test>

// This URL is rewritten because the rule <Attribute name="codebase"/> is already present as part of the default_gateway_ruleset file. the Gateway and the Portal Server URLs are prefixed along with the path up to the appletcode directory.

<param name=Test1 value=

// This URL is rewritten because the base URL of the page is rule1.html, and the param name matches the param Test* specified in the rule. Because index.html is specified to be at the root level, the Gateway and Portal Server URLs are prefixed directly.

<param name=Test2 value="gateway-URL

// This URL is rewritten because the base URL of the page is rule1.html, and the param name matches the param Test* specified in the rule. The path is prefixed as required.

<param name=Test3 value="gateway-URL

// This URL is rewritten because the base URL of the page is rule1.html, and the param name matches the param Test* specified in the rule. The path is prefixed as required.

Rewriting ends