Sun Java System Portal Server Secure Remote Access 7.2 Administration Guide

Basic Static Rule

This rule supports a Telnet connection from the client to the machine sesta.

Rule Name 

Encryption Cipher 

Remote Application URL 

Download Applet 

Extend Session 

Map Local Port to Destination Server Port 




Do not select the checkbox 


  • Local Port: 1111

  • Destination Host: sesta

  • Destination Port: 23


myrule is the name of the rule.

SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5 indicates the cipher to be used.

null indicates that this application is not invoked by a URL or run through the desktop.

false indicates that the client does not download an applet to run this application.

true indicates that Portal Server should not time out when the Netlet connection is active.

1111 is the port on the client where Netlet listens for a connection request from the destination host.

sesta is the name of the recipient host in the Telnet connection.

23 is the port number on the destination host for the connection, in this case the well-known port for Telnet.

The desktop Netlet provider does not display a link, but Netlet automatically starts and listens on the port specified (1111). Instruct the user to start the client software - in this case a Telnet session that connects to localhost on port 1111.

For example, to start the Telnet session, the client needs to type the following on the UNIX command line in a terminal:

telnet localhost 1111