Sun Java System Portal Server Secure Remote Access 7.2 Administration Guide

Dynamic Rule to Download an Applet

This rule defines a connection from the client to hosts that are dynamically allocated. The rule downloads a GO-Joe applet from the server on which the applet is located, to the client.

Rule Name 

Encryption Cipher 

Remote Application URL 

Enable Download Applet 

Extend Session 

Map Local Port to Destination Server Port 




  • Client Port: 8000

  • Server Host: gojoeserver

  • Server Port: 8080

Select the checkbox 

  • Local Port: 3399

  • Destination Host: TARGET

  • Destination Port:58


gojoe is the name of the rule.

SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5 indicates the cipher to be used.

/gojoe.html for example is the path of the HTML page containing the applet, the path should be relative to the documentation root of the web container on which portal is deployed.

8000:server:8080 indicates that port 8000 is the destination port on the client to receive the applet, gojoeserve is the name of the server providing the applet, and 8080 is the port on the server from which the applet is downloaded.

Extended Session (true) indicates that the Portal Server should not time out when the Netlet connection is active.

3399 is the port on the client where Netlet listens for connection requests of this type.

TARGET indicates that the destination host needs to be configured by the user using the Netlet provider.

58 is the port on the destination host opened by Netlet, in this case the port for GoJoe. Port 58 is the port that the destination host listens to for its own traffic. Netlet passes information to this port from the new applet.