Sun Java System Portal Server Secure Remote Access 7.2 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Specify the Default Domains

The default domain and subdomain are useful when URLs contain only the host names without the domain and subdomain. In this case, the Gateway assumes that the host names are in the default domain and subdomain, and proceeds accordingly.

For example, if the host name in the URL is host1, and the default domain and subdomain are specified as, the host name is resolved as

  1. Log into the Portal Server administration console as administrator.

  2. Select the Secure Remote Access tab, and select the gateway profile for which you want to set the attribute.

  3. Select Deployment Tab.

  4. In the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains field, type the required domain name with out proxy.

  5. Click Save to complete.

  6. Restart the Gateway from a terminal window:

    ./psadmin start-sra-instance –u amadmin – f  <password file> –N <profile name>– t  <gateway>