Sun Java System Portal Server Secure Remote Access 7.2 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Launch Proxylet in Java Web Start or Applet Mode

  1. Log onto the Portal Desktop as the proxylet user.

  2. In the Front Page, go to the Proxylet channel and click the Edit icon.

  3. From the Launch Mode list box, select the Java Web Start or Applet option.

  4. Click Finished.

    To invoke Proxylet, select the application from the Proxylet Channel. This launches the application in the Java Web Start or Applet mode.

    • If the Download Automatically is selected, click the application under the Proxylet channel.

    • Based on the user preferences, the Proxylet console is displayed depending on the selection of Java Web Start or Applet mode. Accept all certificates and continue to work on the application.