Sun Java System Portal Server Secure Remote Access 7.2 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Configure the Startup Mode

  1. Log onto the Portal Server administration console as administrator.

  2. Select the Secure Remote Access tab, and click the profile name to modify its attributes.

  3. Select the Core tab.

  4. Modify the following attributes:

    HTTP Connections

    Select the HTTP Connections checkbox to allow Gateway to accept non-SSL connections.

    HTTP Port

    Enter the HTTP port number. The default value is 80.

    HTTPS Connections

    Select the HTTPS Connections checkbox to allow Gateway to accept SSL connections. By default, this options is selected.

    HTTPS Port

    Enter the HTTPS port number. The default value is 443.

    Note –

    The following attributes can be modified using psadmin set-attribute in Sun Java System Portal Server 7.2 Command-Line Reference

    /space/PS/portal/bin/psadmin set-attribute -u amadmin -f /space/PS/portal/bin/ps_password -p portal1 -m gateway --gateway-profile profileID -a sunPortalGatewayDomainsAndRulesets -A $entry

    • sunPortalGatewayDefaultDomainAndSubdomains=Default Domains

    • sunPortalGatewayLoggingEnabled=Enable Logging

    • sunPortalGatewayEProxyPerSessionLogging=Enable per Session Logging

    • sunPortalGatewayEProxyDetailedPerSessionLogging=Enable Detailed per Session Logging

    • sunPortalGatewayNetletLoggingEnabled=Enable Netlet Logging

    • sunPortalGatewayEnableMIMEGuessing=Enable MIME Guessing

    • sunPortalGatewayParserToURIMap=Parser to URI Mappings

    • sunPortalGatewayEnableObfuscation=Enable Masking

    • sunPortalGatewayObfuscationSecretKey=Seed String for Masking

    • sunPortalGatewayNotToObscureURIList=URIs not to Mask

    • sunPortalGatewayUseConsistentProtocolForGateway=Make

    • Gateway protocol Same as \n Original URI Protocol sunPortalGatewayEnableCookieManager=Store External Server Cookies

    • sunPortalGatewayMarkCookiesSecure=Mark Cookies as secure

  5. Restart the Gateway from a terminal window:

    ./psadmin start-sra-instance -u amadmin -f passwordfile -N profilename -t gateway