Sun Java System Portal Server Secure Remote Access 7.2 Administration Guide

About the URLs to Which User Session Cookie is Forwarded Attribute

Portal server utilizes a cookie to track user sessions. This cookie is forwarded to the server when the Gateway makes HTTP requests to the server (for example, when the desktop servlet is called to generate the user\qs desktop page). Applications on the server use the cookie to validate and identify the user.

The Portal Server\qs cookie is not forwarded to HTTP requests made to machines other than the server, unless URLs on those machines are specified in the URLs to which User Session Cookie is Forwarded list. Adding URLs to this list therefore enables servlets and CGIs to receive the Portal Server\qs cookie and use the APIs to identify the user.

URLs are matched using an implicit trailing wildcard. For example, the default entry in the list:


causes the cookie to be forwarded to all URLs starting with http://server:8080.


causes the cookie to be forwarded to all URLs starting with that exact string.

For this example, the cookie is not forwarded to any URLs starting with "http://newmachine.eng/subdir", since this string does not start with the exact string in the forward list. To have cookies forwarded to URLs starting with this variation of the machine\qs name, an additional entry has to be added to the forward list.

Similarly, the cookie is not forwarded to URLs starting with "" unless an appropriate entry is added to the list.