Sun Java System Portal Server Secure Remote Access 7.2 Administration Guide

Configuring the Proxy Settings

ProcedureTo Configure the Proxy Settings

  1. Log onto the Portal Server administration console as administrator.

  2. Select the Secure Remote Access tab and click the profile name to modify its attributes.

  3. Select the Deployment tab.

  4. Modify the following attributes:

    Attribute Name 



    Use Proxy 

    Select the Use Proxy checkbox to enable the usage of web proxies. 


    Webproxy URLs 

    Enter the required URL in the Use Webproxy URLs edit box in the format http://host, and then cClick Add.

    The URL is added to the Use Webproxy URLs list. 

    You can specify that the Gateway needs to contact certain URLs only through the webproxies listed in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list, even if the Use Proxy option is disabled. You need to specify these URLs in the Use Webproxy URLs field. See Specifying a Proxy to Contact Access Manager for details on how this value affects the usage of proxies.

    Proxies for Domains and Subdomains 

    The entry is added to the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list box. 

    The format for entering the proxy information is as follows: 

    domainname proxy1:port1|subdomain1 proxy2:port2|subdomain2 proxy3:port3|* proxy4:port4

    * indicates that the proxy defined after the * needs to be used for all domains and subdomains other than those specifically mentioned. 

    If you do not specify the port for the proxy, port 8080 is used by default. 

    See Specifying a Proxy to Contact Access Manager for details on how the proxy information is applied to various hosts.

    Proxy Password List 

    In the Proxy Password List field, enter the information for each proxy server, and then click Add. 

    The format for entering the proxy information is as follows: 


    The proxyserver corresponds to the proxy server defined in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains list.

    You need to specify the user name and password required for the Gateway to authenticate to a specified proxy server, if the proxy server requires authentication to access some or all the sites. 

    Automatic Proxy Configuration support 

    Select the Enable Automatic Proxy Configuration Support checkbox to enable PAC support. 

    If you select the option Enable Automatic Proxy Configuration, the information provided in the Proxies for Domains and Subdomains field is ignored. The Gateway uses the Proxy Automatic Configuration (PAC) file only for intranet configuration. See Using Automatic Proxy Configuration for information on PAC files.

    Automatic Proxy Configuration File location 

    In Location field, enter the name and location of the PAC file.