Sun Java System Portal Server Secure Remote Access 7.2 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Configure the Basic Options

  1. Log onto the Portal Server administration console as administrator.

  2. Select the Secure Remote Access tab and click the profile name to modify its attributes.

  3. Select the Core tab.

  4. Modify the following attributes:

    Attribute Name 


    Cookie Management 

    Select the Enable checkbox to enable cookie management. 

    By default, this option is selected. 

    HTTP Basic Authentication 

    Select the Enable HTTP Basic Authentication checkbox to enable HTTP basic authentication. 

    Portal Servers 

    Enter the Portal Server in the format http://portal-server-name:port-number in the field and click Add.

    Repeat this step to add more Portal Server to the Portal Server list. 

    URLs to which User Session Cookie is Forwarded 

    Enter the URL to which User Session Cookie is Forwarded and click Add. 

    Repeat this step to add more URLs to the URLs to which the User Session is Forwarded list. 

    Gateway Minimum Authentication Level 

    Enter the authentication level. 

    By default, an asterisk is added to allow authentication at all levels. 

    Obtain Session from URL 

    Select Yes to retrieve information on a session from a URL. 

    By default, the No option is selected.