Sun Java System Portal Server Secure Remote Access 7.2 Administration Guide

Tasks to Manage the Gateway

This section has the following tasks to manage the portal server gateway:

ProcedureTo Create a Gateway Profile

  1. Log into the Portal Server administration console as administrator.

  2. Click the Secure Remote Access tab and click New Profile.

    The New Profile page is displayed.

  3. Enter the name of the new gateway profile.

  4. Select the profile to use for creating the new profile from the drop-down list.

    By default, any new profile that you create is based on the pre-packaged Default profile. If you have created a custom profile, you can select that profile from the drop-down list. The new profile inherits all the attributes of the selected profile.

    The existing profile that is copied for the new one, copies the same port. Change the port for the new profile so that it does not conflict with the existing one.

  5. Click OK.

    The new profile is created and listed in the Profiles page.

    Caution – Caution –

    Ensure that you change the port of the instance so that it does not clash with any existing port in use.

  6. Telnet to the machine where the instance needs to be created. The default gateway instance is up and running at this machine.

  7. Install AM-SDK in configure now mode.

  8. Install Gateway using UI installer in configure now mode or select configure later mode.

  9. Copy the /opt/SUNWportal/template/sra/ file to a temporary location . For example, /tmp.

  10. Modify the values as required.

    Note –

    The values should match the port numbers in the gateway instance for the new profile.

  11. Once complete, run the following command:

    ./psadmin create-sra-instance -u amadmin -f <passwordfile> -S <template file location>.template -t gateway

  12. Restart the Gateway with this gateway profile name to ensure the changes to take effect:

    ./psadmin start-sra-instance –u amadmin – f <password file> –N <profile name>– t <gateway>

    For more information on starting and stopping the Gateway, see To Start the Gateway Instances. To configure the Gateway, see Chapter 8, Configuring the Secure Remote Access Gateway

ProcedureTo Create Gateway Instances Using the Same LDAP

  1. Replace the key that is used to encrypt and decrypt passwords with the same string used for the first Gateway.

    am.encryption.pwd= string_key_specified_in gateway-install

  2. Replace the key that is the shared secret for application authentication module: string_key_specified_in gateway-install

  3. In /etc/opt/SUNWam/config/ums modify the following areas in serverconfig.xml to be consistent with the first installed instance of Portal Server:

    <DirDN> cn=puser,ou=DSAME Users,dc=sun,dc=net</DirDN>

    <DirPassword>string_key_specified_in gateway-install</DirPassword>

    <DirDN>cn=dsameuser,ou=DSAME Users,dc=sun,dc=net</DirDN>

    <DirPassword>string_key_specified_in gateway-install </DirPassword>

  4. Restart Access Manager services.

ProcedureTo Start the Gateway Instances

By default, the Gateway starts as user noaccess.

  1. After installing the Gateway and creating the required profile, run the following command to start the Gateway:

    ./psadmin start-sra-instance –u amadmin – f <password file> –N <profile name>– t <gateway>

    default — is the default gateway profile that is created during installation. You can create your own profiles later, and restart the Gateway with the new profile. See Creating a Gateway Profile.

    Note –

    Replace the <profile name> with an appropriate profile name to start other instances of the Gateway.

    Restarting the server (the machine on which the Gateway instances are configured) restarts all instances of the Gateway.

    Ensure that no backed up profiles are present in the /etc/opt/SUNWportal directory.

  2. Run the following command to check if the Gateway is running on the specified port:

    netstat -an | grep port-number

    The default Gateway port is 443.

ProcedureTo Stop the Gateway

  1. Use the following command to stop the Gateway:

    ./psadmin stop-sra-instance –u amadmin – f <password file> –N <profile name>– t <gateway>

    Note –

    Replace the <profile name> with an appropriate profile name to start other instances of the Gateway.

  2. Run the following command to verify if any of the Gateway processes are still running:

    /usr/bin/ps -ef | grep entsys

ProcedureTo Start and Stop Gateway Using Management Console

  1. To Login to the Management Console in Sun Java System Portal Server 7.2 Administration Guide

  2. Select the Secure Remote Access tab.

  3. Click the Manage Instances submenu.

  4. Under SRA Proxy instances, select an instance.

    • Click Start to start an instance.

    • Click Stop to stop an instance.

ProcedureTo Restart the Gateway with a Different Profile

  1. Restart the Gateway:

    ./psadmin start-sra-instance –u amadmin – f <password file> –N <profile name>– t <gateway>

ProcedureTo Restart the Gateway

  1. In a terminal window, connect as root and do one of the following:

    • Start the watchdog process:

      ./psadmin sra-watchdog -u uid -f password-filename -t instance-type on

      [--adminuser | -u] uid

      Specifies the administrator's distinguished name (DN) or user ID. 

      [-passwordfile | -f] password-filename

      Specifies the administrator's password in the password file. 

      [--type | -t] instance-type

      Specifies the type of the Secure Remote Access instance. Enter: gateway, nlproxy, or rwproxy. 

      For information on watchdog command, see the Sun Java System Portal Server Command Line Reference Guide.

      This creates an entry in the crontab utility and the watchdog process is now active. The watchdog monitors all running instances of a Gateway on a particular machine and Gateway port and restarts the Gateway if it goes down.

ProcedureTo Specify a Virtual Host

  1. Login as root and edit the platform.conffile of the required Gateway instance:

  2. Add the following entries:

    gateway.virtualhost=fully-qualified-gateway-host gateway-ip-address fully- qualified-reverse-proxyhost

    gateway.enable.customurl=true (This value is set to false by default.)

  3. Restart the Gateway:

    ./psadmin start-sra-instance –u amadmin – f <password file> –N <profile name>– t <gateway>

    If these values are not specified, the Gateway defaults to normal behavior.

ProcedureTo Specify a Proxy

  1. From the command-line, edit the following file:

  2. Add the following entries:

  3. Restart the Gateway to use the specified proxy for requests made to the server:

    ./psadmin start-sra-instance –u amadmin – f <password file> –N <profile name>– t <gateway>

ProcedureTo create a Netlet Proxy instance

  1. Telnet to the machine where the instance needs to be created. The default gateway instance is up and running at this machine.

  2. Copy the /opt/SUNWportal/template/sra/ file to a temporary location . For example, /tmp.

  3. Modify the values as required in the file for the new profile.

  4. Once complete, run the following command:

    ./psadmin create-sra-instance -u amadmin -f <passwordfile> -S <template file location>.template -t nlproxy

  5. Start the new instance of the Netlet proxy with the required gateway profile name to ensure that the changes take effect:

    ./psadmin start-sra-instance –u amadmin – f <password file> –N <profile name>– t nlproxy

ProcedureTo Restart a Netlet Proxy

  1. In a terminal window, connect as root and do one of the following:

    • Start the watchdog process:

      psadmin sra-watchdog -u uid -f password-filename -t instance-type on

      Enter nlproxy in place of the instance-type. For more information on this command, see the Sun Java Portal Server Command Line Reference Guide.

      This creates an entry in the crontab utility and the watchdog process is now active. The watchdog monitors the Netlet proxy port and brings up the proxy if it goes down.

    • Start a Netlet proxy manually:

      psadmin start-sra-instance -u uid -f password-filename -N sra-instance-name -t instance-type

      Enter nlproxy in place of the instance-type. This the profile name corresponding to the required Netlet Proxy instance. For more information on this command, see the Sun Java Portal Server Command Line Reference Guide.

ProcedureTo Create a Rewriter Proxy Instance

  1. Telnet to the machine where the instance needs to be created. The default gateway instance is up and running at this machine.

  2. Copy the /opt/SUNWportal/template/sra/ file to a temporary location . For example, /tmp.

  3. Modify the values as required in the file for the new profile.

  4. Once complete, run the following command:

    ./psadmin create-sra-instance -u amadmin -f <passwordfile> -S <template file location>.template -t rwproxy

  5. Start the new instance of the Rewirter Proxy with the required gateway profile name to ensure that the changes take effect:

    ./psadmin start-sra-instance –u amadmin – f <password file> –N <profile name>– t rwproxy

ProcedureTo Restart a Rewriter Proxy

  1. In a terminal window, connect as root and do one of the following:

    • Start the watchdog process:

      psadmin sra-watchdog -u uid -f password-filename -t instance-type on

      Enter rwproxy in place of the instance-type. For more information on this command, see the Sun Java Portal Server Command Line Reference Guide.

      This creates an entry in the crontab utility and the watchdog process is now active. The watchdog monitors the Rewriter Proxy port and brings up the proxy if it goes down.

    • Start a Rewriter Proxy manually:

      start-sra-instance -u uid -f password-filename -N sra-instance-name -t instance-type

      Enter rwproxy in place of the instance-type. This the profile name corresponding to the required Rewritter Proxy instance. For more information on this command, see the Sun Java Portal Server Command Line Reference Guide.

ProcedureTo Enable a Reverse Proxy

  1. Log in as root and edit the platform.conf file of the required Gateway instance:


  2. Add the following entries:

    gateway.virtualhost=fully-qualified-gateway-host gateway-ip-address fully- qualified-reverse-proxyhost

    gateway.enable.customurl=true (This value is set to false by default.)

    gateway.httpurl=http reverse-proxy-URL

    gateway.httpsurl=https reverse-proxy-URL

    gateway.httpurl is used to rewrite the response for the request received at the port which is listed as HTTP port in the gateway profile.

    gateway.httpsurl is used to rewrite the response for the request received at the port which is listed as HTTPS port in the gateway profile.

  3. Restart the Gateway:

    ./psadmin start-sra-instance –u amadmin – f <password file> –N <profile name>– t <gateway>

    If these values are not specified, the Gateway defaults to normal behavior.

ProcedureTo Add Authentication Modules to an Existing PDC Instance

  1. Login to the Access Manager administration console as administrator.

  2. Select the required organization.

  3. Select Services from the View drop-down box.

    The services are displayed.

  4. Click Authentication Configuration.

    The Service Instance List is displayed.

  5. Click Gatewaypdc.

    The Gatewaypdc properties page is displayed.

  6. Click Edit.

    The Add Module page is displayed.

  7. Select Module Name and set Flag to Required.

  8. Click OK.

  9. Click Save after adding one or more modules.

  10. Click Save in the gatewaypdc properties page.

  11. Restart the Gateway for the changes to take effect:

    gateway-install-location/SUNWportal/bin/psadmin start-sra-instance –u amadmin – f <password file> –N <profile name>– t <gateway>

ProcedureTo Disable Browser Caching

  1. Login as root and edit the platform.conf file of the required Gateway instance:

  2. Edit the following line:


    This value is set to true by default. Change the value to false to disable browser caching at the client side.

  3. Restart the Gateway:

    ./psadmin start-sra-instance –u amadmin – f <password file> –N <profile name>– t <gateway>

ProcedureTo Share LDAP Directories

  1. Modify the following areas in to synchronize with the first installed instance of Portal Server and Access Manager servers:

    # The key that will be used to encrypt and decrypt passwords. am.encryption.pwd=t/vnY9Uqjf12NbFywKuAaaHibwlDFNLO <== REPLACE THIS STRING WITH THE ONE FROM FIRST PORTAL INSTALL

    /* The following key is the shared secret for application auth module */ <== REPLACE THIS STRING WITH THE ONE FROM FIRST PORTAL INSTALL

  2. In /etc/opt/SUNWam/config/ums modify the following areas in serverconfig.xml to be insync with the first installed instance of Portal Server and Access Manager server:

        cn=puser,ou=DSAME Users,dc=sun,dc=net
       cn=dsameuser,ou=DSAME Users,dc=sun,dc=net
  3. Restart the Access Manager services.