Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 MTA Developer's Reference


Obtain information associated with an ongoing message enqueue.


int mtaEnqueueInfo(mta_nq_t *nq_ctx,
                   int       item_code, ...);

            int mtaEnqueueInfo(mta_nq_t *nq_ctx,





An enqueue context created by mtaEnqueueStart().


An optional list of item codes. See the description section that follows for a list of item codes. The list must be terminated with an integer argument with value 0.


Information associated with an ongoing message enqueue operation may be obtained with mtaEnqueueInfo(). The information to obtain is specified through the use of item codes. Arguments to the item codes provide memory addresses through which to return the requested data.

String pointers returned by mtaEnqueueInfo() are only valid during the life of the enqueue context. Once the enqueue has been completed, the associated pointers are no longer valid.

The following table lists the item codes for this routine, their additional arguments, and gives a description of each.

Item Codes  

Additional Arguments  



size_t *value

Return the setting of the alias expansion flag. Normally, this flag has a nonzero value that indicates that alias expansion should be done for all envelope recipient addresses. When the flag has a value of zero, alias expansion will not be performed. The value of the flag is set with the mtaEnqueueStart() routine.

This item code must be followed by one additional argument: the address of size_t to store the setting’s value in.


size_t *value

Obtain the setting of the address sorting flag. Normally, this flag has a non-zero value that indicates that the list of envelope recipients written to each message copy in the MTA channel queues are to be sorted in ascending order based upon US-ASCII ordinal values. When this flag has a value of zero, the list of envelope recipient addresses will not be sorted. This item code must be followed by one additional argument: the address of size_t to store the setting’s value in.


char **channel

size_t *channel_len

Obtain the name of the channel that this message is being enqueued by. 

This item code must be followed by two additional call arguments: 

  1. The address of a pointer to receive the address of the NULL terminated channel name.

  2. The address of a size_t to receive the length of the channel name. A NULL value may be passed for the channel_len argument.


size_t *dflags

Return the envelope delivery flags set for the entire message by mtaEnqueueStart().

This item code must be followed by one additional call argument: the address of a size_t to receive the delivery flag setting.


const char **env_from

size_t *env_from_len

Retrieve the envelope From: address specified when the enqueue was started with mtaEnqueueStart().

This item code must be followed by two additional call arguments: 

  1. The address of a pointer to receive the address of the NULL terminated envelope From: address.

  2. The address of a size_t to receive the length of that address. A NULL value may be passed for the env_from_len argument.


const char **env_id

size_t *env_id_len

Obtain the envelope ID specified with mtaEnqueueStart().

This item code must be followed by two additional call arguments: 

  1. The address of a pointer to receive the address of the NULL terminated envelope ID.

  2. The address of a size_t to receive the length of that envelope ID. A NULL value may be passed for the env_id_len argument.


size_t *value

Retrieve the expand limit setting specified with mtaEnqueueStart(). The returned value will be a positive integer value. When no expand limit has been set, the returned value will be a large integer value (for example, 2,147,483,647 on 32-bit processors).

This item code must be followed by one additional argument: the address of a size_t to store the setting’s value in.


size_t *value

Obtain the value, if any, specified for the MTA_FRAGMENT_BLOCKS setting when the message enqueue was initiated. The returned value will be a positive integer value. When no value was set, the returned value will be a large integer value (for example, 2,147,483,647 on 32-bit processors).

This item code must be followed by one additional argument: the address of a size_t to store the setting’s value in.


size_t *value

Obtain the value specified for the MTA_FRAGMENT_LINES setting when the message enqueue was initiated. The returned value will be a positive integer value. When no value was set, the returned value will be a large integer value (for example, 2,147,483,647 on 32-bit processors).

This item code must be followed by one additional argument: the address of a size_t to store the setting’s value in.


size_t *nflags

Return the delivery status notification flags set for the entire message when the enqueue was started. The returned value is a bit map constructed using the MTA_NOTIFY_ constants defined in mtasdk.h. If no setting was effected with mtaEnqueueStart(), then the returned value will be the MTA default of: MTA_NOTIFY_DELAY | MTA_NOTIFY_FAILURE | MTA_NOTIFY_CONTENT_FULL

This item code must be followed by one additional call argument: the address of a size_t to receive the setting of the delivery status notification flags.

Return Values

Return Values  



Normal, successful completion. 


This value is returned for one of the following reasons: 

  1. A NULL value was supplied for the nq_ctx call argument.

  2. An invalid enqueue context was supplied for nq_ctx.

  3. A required argument to an item code was NULL.


An invalid item code was specified. 


Simultaneous use of the enqueue context by two different threads was detected. 


The following code fragment obtains the name of the channel used as the source channel for the enqueue.

mta_nq_t *nq;
const char *channel;

mtaEnqueueStart(&nq, "", 0, 0);
mtaEnqueueInfo(nq, MTA_CHANNEL, &channel, NULL, 0);
printf("Source channel = %s\n", channel);