Sun Java Communications Suite 5 Schema Reference

Specifying Quotas for Folders and Message Types

To enable the quotas for individual folders or specific message types, you must run the configutil command with the parameters store.quotafolder.enable and store.typequota.enable.

To enable and configure message types, you also must enable the configutil parameter store.messagetype.enable and configure other configutil parameters.

Guidelines for Specifying Multiple Quota Values

You can specify the following mailMsgQuota values for a user's mailbox tree:

The following guidelines apply when you assign multiple quota values for a user:

Formatting Quota Values for Folders and Message Types

To specify mailMsgQuota values for folders or message types, use the following format:

mailMsgQuota: {msgquota}[;{name}%{msgquota}]...


{msgquota} is the number of messages. For a description of the valid numeric values, see msgquota Values.

{name} is the name of the folder or message type.

The semicolon (“;” ) is a separator that separates multiple quota values.

The percent sign (“%”) associates a folder or message-type name with the quota value that follows it.

Additional Formatting Guidelines for Quota Values