Sun Java System Delegated Administrator 6.4 Administration Guide


The following options are mandatory:



-D login

The user ID of the Top-Level Administrator. 

-n domain

Domain of the Top-Level Administrator. 

-w password

Password of the Top-Level Administrator. 

-d domain

Purge specified domain. The * operator (-d*) may be used to search for a pattern.

The following options are non-mandatory:



-g grace

Delay period (grace period) in days before the domain is purged. Domains marked for deletion for fewer than grace days will not be purged.

For example, if you use -g 7, all entries that have been marked for deletion for 7 days and more are purged, but entries marked for deletion for 6 days and fewer are not purged.

A 0 indicates purge immediately.  

The default value is 5 days. The default value cannot be changed permanently. You can change the grace period only by using the -g grace option in the commadmin domain purgecommand.

-h, -?

Prints command usage syntax. 

-i inputfile

Reads the command information from a file instead of the command line. 

-p AM port

Specifies an alternate TCP port where the Access Manager is listening. If not specified, the default AM port is used, or Port 80 is used if no default was configured at install time.

-S service

Removes service related object classes and attributes from the domain. If the domain contains users and resources it removes the service specific data from the directory for these users and resources. 

The list of services is separated by the comma (,) delimiter. 

The valid service values are mail and cal. These values are case-insensitive.


Use SSL (Secure Socket Layer) to connect to the Access Manager. 


Enable debugging output. 


Prints information about the utility and its version. 

-X AM host

Specifies the host on which the Access Manager is running. If not specified, the default AM host is used, or the localhost if no default was configured at install time.